WTI Magazine #62    2015 June, 12Author : Expo 2015      Translation by:   The Expo's Biodiversity Park is the result of a partnership between BolognaFiere and the Expo 2015 SpA., in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies, the Ministry of the Environment, Protection of Land and Sea, and FederBio. The Themati...

by Mara Monti   The airline industry continues to stack up profits. In the third quarter, American Airlines confirmed the positive results with the merger with US Airways, completed at 85%, by introducing a single booking system. The next step will be the optimization of air routes, starting with the Italian routes, as explained by the compa...

E il torroncino mormorò, non passa lo straniero! Saranno i deliziosi prodotti della Sperlari, probabilmente, a vendicare l'onta del saccheggio delle imprese italiane "doc" da parte di colossi in ascesa di paesi esteri. Dopo l'acquisizione dei gianduiotti Pernigotti dai turchi della Toksoz e della griffe del cachemire Loro Piana da parte della holdi...

By Kelsey Drain   Milan has been listed as the number one fashion and luxury goods shopping destination in the world, according to research by SEA — the operator of the Italian business capital's principal airports — and consulting firm Pambianco Strategie di Impresa. The research was based on a series of "qualitative interviews on a sample...

L'Expo parlerà (anche) americano. In visita a Roma, il presidente degli Stati Uniti Barack Obama e il segretario di Stato John F. Kerry hanno infatti ufficializzato la partnership pubblico-privata con l'Italia, che darà vita al padiglione americano di Expo 2015.   "Torneremo a Milano, con un padiglione", ha promesso Obama. Il complesso, real...

Last year two Italian VC firms and an institutional player combined to from United Ventures, based out of Milan. They closed a first round of funding at €30 million ($39M) but aimed for €50 million.   It was a welcome move as the Italian tech scene has formerly languished through lack of funds, despite a growing entrepreneurial and startup s...

by Chiara Beghelli   What about enjoying a cocktail and some small talk on the streets in early spring evening, after having spent hours visiting stands in huge Rho-Fiera buildings on the outskirts of Milan?   Definitely yes, for the thousands of people that every year pay a visit to "Fuorisalone" events, spread out over Milan during...

The concert hall is the most futuristic and original among those designed in recent years: created by Japanese engineer Toyota, it welcomes visitors straight into a violin case. It has approximately five hundred seats, gathered like a flower around a central plan, and allows an extraordinary and subtle listening experience.   Read more &nb...

by Claudia Baroncelli   If you are looking for a peaceful destination to escape the city chaos, have a look of the most beautiful and (above all) slow cities you can find in Italy, From Orvieto to Amalfi passing by Trani and Cisternino, you only have to choose!   Dreaming of a destination to enjoy peace and silence, miles away from th...

Si è riunito il 23 gennaio scorso a Milano, nella sede di Expo, il Coordinamento delle Consulte regionali dell'emigrazione: la coordinatrice Silvia Bartolini, presidente della Consulta degli emiliano-romagnoli nel mondo, ha scritto ai colleghi con delega all'emigrazione.   Nella lettera li ha informati dell'imminente completamento, da parte...