by Marta Casadei   The Salone del Mobile is a key event for the home furnishing sector, which has always been the flagship of Italian industry. This year the 54th edition of the trade show will open on Tuesday, April 14 at the Fair of Milan-Rho and will involve 2,000 exhibitors, including furniture, lighting and office accessory companies....

Italy's most progressive exhibition of sustainable cooking commences this Thursday, when the Michelin-starred chef Massimo Bottura throws open the doors of Refettorio Ambrosiano, the once-derelict theater repurposed to educate and feed the refugees and working poor who reside far across town from the multinational pavilions welcoming culinary touri...

by Barbara Minafra   Una cascata capace di scrivere messaggi di benvenuto con le gocce d'acqua, un'ampia scalinata che accoglie i visitatori e un orto verticale pieno di piantine che profumano di basilico, menta o rosmarino la terrazza. ll Padiglione a stelle e strisce che racconta il concetto alimentare americano 2.0, è un edificio progett...

"Expo 2015 sarà il volano per ritrovare la crescita". Con queste parole il Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri Enrico Letta ha salutato "Agenda Italia 2015", il programma di attività del Governo a sostegno dell'Esposizione Universale, presentato ieri alla Triennale di Milano.   Intervenuto in collegamento video, il premier ha spiegato: "L'...

Si potrebbe definire una piccola guida intelligente ai piccoli borghi da sogno italiani. L'ha creata Quora, che ne ha selezionati 70 (e non sono pochi), altri ne hanno fatto una ulteriore selezione. Senza pietà, ne sono rimasti quindici. Del Nord, del Sud e del Centro.   Al mare e in montagna, sono centri suggestivi che vedranno, com'è proba...

The 2014 winners will join distinguished students from five countries in an intense education program at the Università Carlo Cattaneo – LIUC to discuss innovations and best practices in the machine manufacturing industry.   The program will not only provide academic growth, but an excellent opportunity for practical experience in internatio...

WTI Magazine #68    2015 September, 18Author : Expo 2015      Translation by:   WAME & Expo2015 (World Access to Modern Energy)* is an initiative at Expo Milano 2015 designed to increase public awareness of a problem, that of exclusion from access to electricity by a large part of the world's population. It also aims above all to highlight the ve...

The shop windows of Via Montenapoleone and Via della Spiga, two of the main roads of the Fashion District (also known with the Italian words Quadrilatero della Moda), usually have "London – New York - Paris" written just under the brand logos. It's not surprising that the same brands, in those places quoted on the shop windows, have MILAN written a...

  WTI Magazine #11    2014 Jan, 3Author : Vino OK      Translation by: Alessandra Bitetti   The region's history   The first historical information about Franciacorta gets lost in ancient times, but until the Middle Ages the area was generally called the Iseo Valley. It was described with this name in the book Statuta Communis Civitatis Brixia...

by Rachel Sanderson   It is six o'clock on a warm spring evening at Camparino, a historic Milan cocktail bar overlooking the city's Gothic cathedral, and happy hour is in full swing. Wine glasses filled with red- and orange-coloured spirits populate the tables.   Tourists and Italians chatter. Waiters hover. It is a scene that br...