Directors Joe and Anthony Russo, lifelong ISDA members who were recently deemed “titans” of Hollywood by Variety magazine, are committed to preserving their Italian American heritage. They, along with their father, ISDA National President Basil Russo, founded the Russo Brothers Italian American Film Forum in 2017 to fund projects that explore and d...

If you’re a fan of Italian TV, you’ll want to check out the Italian TV Festival in L.A. The festival will take place from November 6 through November 9 at NeueHouse in West Hollywood and Terra Eataly in Century City. As America continues to feast on Italian content — like “Gomorrah,” “Suburra,” and “My Brilliant Friend” — so Valentina Martelli deci...

When: November 14 2022 | 6:00 pm - Where: Italian Cultural Institute, 1023 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles Marking the opening of the VII World Week of Italian Cuisine in Los Angeles, ITTV Forum & Festival and the Italian Cultural Institute present a special screening of the medium-length film "Gli Amigos" by Paolo Genovese, a journey into the territor...

The Italian American Museum of Los Angeles (IAMLA) presents a new exhibition: A Real Boy: The Many Lives of Pinocchio, which explores the cultural origins, adaptations, and enduring appeal of one of the most popular characters in children’s literature. Written in 1883 by Italian author Carlo Collodi, The Adventures of Pinocchio has delighted genera...

What are COM.IT.ES and what role do they play for Italians residing abroad? In general, COM.IT.ES are institutes that represent the Italian community. They were established in 1985 and are elected in each consular district every five years by Italians residing abroad. As representative bodies, the objective of COM.ITES is to facilitate relations be...

Most days, Michael Walker couldn’t transfer his Italian beef sandwiches with a lot ease — he’d promote perhaps 10 all day at his Los Angeles pop-up, Comfortable Pup. Then, on June 26, he offered out of the meat inside two hours of organising his meals stall. Such is the ability of “The Bear,” the FX sequence that had premiered days earlier and rapi...

November 6-9, 2022 - NeueHouse Hollywood. MORE INFO here. ITTV Forum&Festival, the world’s premiere event dedicated to the Italian audiovisual market and the connections between its international counterparts, will once again be returning to Los Angeles, featuring panel discussions with Italian and American industry members, exclusive advance scree...

The Italian heritage month in Los Angeles has just ended with an incredible surprise concert played by the Loyola Law School Orchestra last night, and directed by Maestro Simona Grossi. The program was mainly dedicated to the sound track of “ La Dolce Vita “. The building of City Hall of Los Angeles was lit up with the “Tricolore”. Maestro Simona G...

Eataly Los Angeles is hosting a five-year anniversary, all-you-can-eat celebration next week  with tasting stations featuring Eataly’s most beloved dishes and Italian wines to taste throughout the marketplace. The event is set to take place on November 3 from 6-10 p.m. at Eatay Los Angeles in Century City.  “It seems like just yesterday that we ope...

The work of Francis Ford Coppola is frequently regarded as some of the best of all time. Alongside Martin Scorsese, he is considered one of the most influential film directors to come out of the ‘New Hollywood’ movement of the 1960s and 1970s. Coppola’s The Godfather Part II is often referred to as one of the greatest films ever made, even as a sta...