You've likely seen the Cimino name before. It's on pizza-place signs around the Rock River Valley, in Loves Park, Durand, Winnebago and Pecatonica. Vince Cimino opened the first Cimino’s Pizza in Loves Park in the mid 1970s. Now, his son, Nino, 42, continues to make the Cimino name known in Hollywood. Nino Cimino's film "American Western" is stream...

Joe Buscaino was a beat cop for the Los Angeles Police Department when he decided to run for LA City Council’s 15th District. He won that race, succeeding former Councilmember Janice Hahn — who had been elected to Congress (and now serves on the Board of Supervisors) — as the representative of San Pedro, Wilmington, Harbor City, Harbor Gateway and...

Last May, Loro Piana, the Italian brand owned by the LVMH group, celebrated its partnership with the website in the sublime Stanley House in Hollywood. Seven months later, it has landed on Rodeo Drive, inaugurating a pop-up at 323 North Rodeo Drive, an address where Fendi recently made a name for itself, and where the watch brand Piag...

Once housing the Bank of Italy in downtown Los Angeles, the 1922-built Giannini Building is now home to Hotel Per La, which opened in September. Its Italian name translates to “for the,” a nod to bank founder Amadeo Pietro Giannini’s inclusive spirit, and the hotel’s, too (tag line: it’s for people like you). The 12-storey building was redesigned t...

Best known for his success with the movie My Little Princess, Enzo Zelocchi is a superstar in the making who often wears many hats as an actor, writer, producer, and director. With a career spanning almost a decade, Enzo Zelocchi has won countless movie awards and several nominations as the best actor, writer, producer, and director. With his new f...

The debut event dedicated to Italy's "Black Gold" unfolded from October 31st to November 6th and featured partnerships with prominent restaurants spanning the city, whose chefs dished out original dishes showcasing the Italian staple. Voted on via the restaurants' social media channels, the winners of LA Balsamic Week 2022 are La Puglia (Wood-fired...

CAIOTI PIZZA CAFÉ IS ONE pizza joint that isn’t known for that dish at all. In fact, chef Ed LaDou’s claim to fame is an accidental “miracle” food. In 1993, a pregnant woman well overdue came in and ordered the café’s Romaine and Watercress salad. The next day, she went into labor. Believing the salad was the cause, she recommended the restaurant t...

Italian rock band Måneskin, utilize their musicianship to produce catchy pop/rock tunes. Largely popular in their country, their two albums, Il ballo della vita (2018) and Teatro d’Ira, Vol. 1 (2021), have topped the charts and achieved platinum (X4) certification. Based in Rome, Italy, the group — which consists of Damiano David (vocals), Victoria...

When: December 8, 2022 at 6:00 pm - Where: Italian Cultural Institute, 1023 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles. RSVP here. Gipsy jazz Italian trio Accordi Disaccordi performs what they define as “hot Italian swing”. Their unique style is a tribute to the sounds of famous guitarist Django Reinhardt and combines jazz, swing, blues, folk influences with famo...

Conviviality, sustainability and innovation: the ingredients of Italian cuisine for the health of people and the protection of the planet. This is the title of the promotional initiative dedicated to the various culinary realities of our country as well as agriculture and its consumption.The project is of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in...