The non-profit organization American Cinematheque in Los Angeles has been a cultural touchstone for the film community for years. Through their support, the monthly series Cinematic Void puts on themed screenings showing challenging, generally unsettling genre films. Their sub-series called January Giallo has been a go-to for fans of stylized Itali...

When I watch them today, my movies seem even better.” This is what Gina Lollobrigida used to say, not with self-complacency but because there is truth in it. Those movies shaped our collective imagination. If we watch them, if we look at those actors, directors, stories, at those incredibly beautiful actresses who made the history of cinema, photog...

A Free Zine Making Workshop celebrating Pinocchio, led by artist and author Darrell Fusaro. Saturday, February 4, 2023, 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM PST. The Italian American Museum of Los Angeles 644 North Main Street Los Angeles, CA 90012. As part of the exhibition "A Real Boy: The Many Lives of Pinocchio", the IAMLA presents a free and engaging workshop le...

Rounds of sliced-thin, pink, white-speckled mortadella are popping up on sandwiches, on charcuterie plates and even in the occasional cocktail in Los Angeles, but it’s hard to view any food item depicted in ancient Roman carvings as a flash in the pan. The Italian deli meat that traces its roots to Bologna and as far back as the Etruscans isn’t new...

From February 8 to May 15  a piece of the history of Italian fashion will be on display at the Italian Cultural Institute in Los Angeles in the exhibition “Gianfranco Ferré. Design Principles”, curated by the Gianfranco Ferré Research Center of the Politecnico di Milano. The exhibition explores Gianfranco Ferré's unique approach to fashion design t...

Magician, mentalist and also director and screenwriter. It is difficult to define the career of Riccardo Berdini, an Italian artist based in Los Angeles where he has lived since 2015 and where, in an almost unexpected way, he managed to turn his passion for the art of illusion into a profession that made him a member of Hollywood’s iconic Magic Cas...

Famous Firenze sandwich shop All’Antico Vinaio, with more than 600,000 Instagram followers and multiple locations across Italy, is returning to Los Angeles for a pop-up this month. Just like in 2019 the boisterous group will offer its massive meat and cheese sandwiches from the Mozza2Go space for two days only, January 28 and 29 from 11 a.m. to 2:3...

The artist, because he should be defined as such, will be in Ostuni at the first edition of “Allora”, the international Festival of Cinema, Art and Music. Saturday 25th we will attend a masterclass that he will hold with the journalist Silvia Bizio We were invited directly by the stylist Dominic Vacca at the first edition of “Allora”, the internati...

High-end Amalfi Coast destination Hotel Santa Caterina is popping up at the Peninsula Beverly Hills for most of February, meaning spritzes and seafood for everyone on a very luxurious LA patio. Chef Giuseppe Stanzione from Santa Caterina’s on-site restaurant Al Mare will be in Beverly Hills with his team from February 7 to February 25, turning out...

When Super Nintendo World opens at Universal Studios Hollywood next month, amusement parkgoers will be treated to a highly immersive themed land straight out of the iconic Super Mario Brothers video games. The lineup of new attractions includes the Mario Kart-inspired ride Bowser’s Challenge, a merch shop called 1-Up Factory, and the Mushroom Kingd...