by Claudia Astarita   It's is quite common to read or hear that Italian fashion managed to survive the global financial crisis re-launching the "Made in Italy" power. At the same time, it is not unusual to discover that top international luxury brands make part of their products in Italy, rather than in cheap developing countries.   H...

by Christopher Emsden Italian manufacturing business confidence improved for the eighth consecutive month in December, inching up to 98.2 to reach its highest level since August 2011, national statistics institute Istat said Monday. The November figure was 98.0, revised down from 98.1.   Sentiment among makers of consumer and intermedi...

The Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable and Farm Market Expo will be held December 9-11 at the DeVos Place exhibition center in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Last year's show registered 4,200 people from 42 states and eight Canadian provinces, and 425 companies exhibited in the trade show.   The educational program this year will feature several out-of-s...

by Chiara Beghelli   What about enjoying a cocktail and some small talk on the streets in early spring evening, after having spent hours visiting stands in huge Rho-Fiera buildings on the outskirts of Milan?   Definitely yes, for the thousands of people that every year pay a visit to "Fuorisalone" events, spread out over Milan during...

Italy's Pambianco Strategie di Impresa consultancy has recently presented its study on the 50 most profitable fashion and the 15 top design companies in Italy.   The study, conducted in partnership with PwC, aims to devise the Italian companies that could potentially go public within the next 3-to-5 years.   Read more   Source:...

Se apriste un dizionario alla voce “brugola” potreste trovare questa definizione: «Vite con testa a incavo esagonale, dal nome del suo produttore». Era il 1945, infatti, quando Egidio Brugola brevettò uno degli oggetti più comuni e più diffusi in tutto il mondo.   Una fedele compagna per artigiani e professionisti nonché per i makers di...

by Fabio Pavesi   More than 10 stocks on the Milan blue-chip and Star indexes selected by the research center of Il Sole 24 Ore have gained over 200% in the past five years, including during the tough economic crisis in Italy. Such performance is usually achieved by high-tech US giants like Google and Facebook, and by Chinese meteors. B...

Inizia martedì prossimo, 22 luglio, la Première Vision di New York, la più importante manifestazione dedicata ai tessuti ed accessori per l'industria dell'abbigliamento di alto livello in calendario negli Stati Uniti.   Nata con l'obiettivo di presentare in anticipo rispetto alle due principali fiere europee e mondiali, PREMIERE VISION a Par...

by Marzio Bartoloni   World trade is expected to return soon to pre-crisis levels, growing by 5.6% in 2015 and a further 6% in 2016-2017, at a pace unseen since 2005. Italy is ready to ride this trend. Italy's exports are forecast to accelerate by 5.8% per year between 2015 to 2017 and this year the stock of goods and services will surpass...

A couple of years ago, Lapo Elkann, the car-nut grandson of the late Fiat patriarch Gianni Agnelli, was outraged that Volkswagen had agreed to buy Ducati, the Italian motorcycle company best known for its lean, testosterone-laden road missiles. In a text message to me, he said, "Ducati has to stay Italian" (I had interviewed him not long before abo...