WTI Magazine #81    2016 July 15Author : italia.it      Translation by:   Touring Matera is like experiencing a forgotten past - you feel as though you are setting foot in a nativity scene when you visit this charming city in Lucania. It's no coincidence it's referred to as the second Bethlehem, and was the setting for Mel Gibson's movie The P...

Boom! Boom! Gunshots shatter the early morning calm. It's not yet 8 a.m. when two rifle blasts echo through the countryside. Most of the village of Bernalda is already awake. I'm halfway through a bicycle ride when the gunfire reverberates through the valley that surrounds this sleepy Italian village. Birds scatter. Dogs bark in the distance. I lu...

In what is the instep of Italy's boot, the first forays into Italy from North Africa came to settle in Matera 10,000 years ago. Living quarters were fashioned in both the limestone caves and built outward from the rock.   Much like America's Appalachia, the people there developed their own style of thriving in harsher living conditions, and...

"Storie di emigrazione lucana" è il titolo del concorso video rivolto ai singoli studenti, a gruppi di studenti e alle classi delle scuole secondarie di secondo grado della Basilicata, organizzato dalla Commissione regionale dei Lucani all'Estero e dal Consiglio regionale della Basilicata, in collaborazione con le Consulte studentesche di Potenza e...