According to wwd, Mariagrazia Catelli, manager of New York's first Fendi Casa store, at 153 Madison Avenue on the corner of 32nd Street, says they sell to wealthy people. Fendi's leather sofas, priced $25,000 to $30,000, can be had with such signatures as the brand's horse emblem embroidered in the cushions, or the "selleria" fine stitching. While...

Bologna Business School, formerly Alma Graduate School, the Master program of the University of Bologna, held a showcase of the new 2015/2016 edition Food & Wine MBA this Columbus Day at the world-renowned Italian symbol of Food and Wine, Eataly's La Scuola Grande.   During the workshop, potential candidates learned about the program, a...

Friday, Dec. 5 & Saturday, Dec. 6 - 10 to 6 pm / Sunday, Dec. 7-12 to 4pmShare this truly old Italian Tradition with us.   Our Museum rooms will be filled with many items Decorations Unique Gifts for Children & Adults Ceppos (some fully decorated) Italian Music CD's - Cookbooks Aprons Italian Novelties Befana Figures Jewelry - Italia...

Chef Gabriel Thompson serves a generous helping of brash New York City attitude along with recipes from his New York restaurants in his first cookbook Downtown Italian.   The executive chef of dell'anima, L'Artusi, Anfora and L'Apicio restaurants, co-wrote the book along with his wife, the eateries' head pastry chef Katherine, and executive...

Trattoria Aroma recreates the ambiance of Italy through a quaint dining experience paired with contemporary-regional Italian cuisine and wine. The restaurant, at 5229 Main St. in Williamsville, began as a coffee shop in 1993 serving a light lunch faire, cappuccino and homemade desserts.   Read more   Source: http://www.amherstbe...

Ha inizio il nuovo ciclo di video-interviste di Come vi abbiamo anticipato, siamo volati negli Stati Uniti d’America per raccogliere le testimonianze e le esperienze di giovani professionisti italiani che vivono e lavorano con successo nella grande mela.   Le loro storie hanno tutte un punto in comune, quello di essere volati...

by Pamela Silvestri   Sausage and peppers sizzled at two Montalbano's food trucks on opposite ends of Centre Street Saturday at Historic Richmond Town. In between, revelers descended on "Rome Through Richmond Town" for live entertainment, eats such as pizza and fresh mozzarella plus complimentary shots of Punzone, an Italian-made, organ...

It's that time of year again when local artisan John Miniero builds his annual outdoor presepio in Dyker Heights, Brooklyn (14th Avenue, between 79th and 80th Streets). The Neapolitan Christmas tradition has been a neighborhood favorite for many years and continues to astonish onlookers with its whimsy and complexity.   I met up with Mr. M...

Demand for Italian wines is growing worldwide but teaching distributors and consumers to appreciate the country's wealth of native varietals is necessary to help many more wine producers enter the US market, said Stevie Kim, managing director of Vinitaly International. "Italian wine is actually quite complicated. Italian wine is fairly mature...

C'era una volta Little Italy a Manhattan. A dir la verità c'è ancora ma è così cambiata da essere quasi irriconoscibile. Invasa da Chinatown, resiste solo con un piccolo avamposto fatto di ristoranti, bar e gastronomie lungo Mulberry St. Anche l'italiano di New York nel tempo è cambiato. Di immigrati di lunga data nati in Italia (o figli di italian...