Il 13 Maggio 2013 alle h 16.00 a Villa Pantelleria, Vicolo Pantelleria 10 (angolo Viale Strasburgo) a Palermo, avra' luogo la Conferenza stampa sulla mostra fotografica "Quelli di Bagheria dopo Baaria" diretta da Francesco Fadda che si svolgera' presso The Italian Cultural Fondation at Casa Belvedere di New York dal 20 Maggio al 07 Giugno c.a. Dopo...

di Rosy Canale   Percussioni suggestive e armonie tipicamente popolari hanno caratterizzato la performance newyorkese del Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino tenutasi ieri sera al Joe's pub di downtown Manhattan. Numeroso il pubblico che ha partecipato letteralmente rapito a questo viaggio attraverso i suoni e le melodie della tradizione sal...

After the success in London and Milano, FederlegnoArredo, the Italian Federation of wood, cork, furniture and furnishing industries, comes to New York with "Kitchen, Soul, Design: L'Italia che Vive", to showcase the excellence of the "Italian Kitchen" and affirms its position worldwide as a key element of the Made in Italy. The 12 month-long tour,...

Friday, December 13th (6:30pm) - Suggested donation of $10 per person Photo essay by International Transportation Photojournalist Joseph M. Calisi   Joseph M. Calisi retraced places visited in his youth to capture the sun-splashed beauty of a region rarely seen by tourists. This photographic essay of Puglia, features the beauty of Sout...

A new foundation to promote Italian modern and contemporary art plans to open its doors to the public in SoHo in February. For its inaugural exhibition, the foundation, called the Center for Italian Modern Art and located at 421 Broome Street, will feature work of the Futurist artist and designer Fortunato Depero, who once lived in New York.  ...

It looks like a newly introduced delicacy of pizza served in cones is here to stay. Just six months after making its American debut with a corporate-owned location in New Jersey, Kono Pizza, a quick-service franchise that sells pizza in a unique cone-shaped crust filled with fresh, Italian ingredients, has announced the signing of multiple franchis...

Quando ho deciso di intraprendere questo viaggio tra i locali italiani a New York, mi sono chiesta a cosa potessero essere interessati i lettori di America Oggi. Ad una mera recensione che parlasse in maniera tecnica dei piatti e del locale?   No, non gli italiani, non gli italiani che ovunque siano trapiantati e vivano, conservano il gusto...

Near the end of the 19th century, Italian-America cuisine was invented by housewives from regions like Campania, Apulia, and Sicily who arrived in America to find many of the ingredients they were accustomed to cooking with simply not available.   Cured pig products, fresh herbs like rosemary and sage, capers, foraged mushrooms, canned Itali...

by Anthony J. Tanburri   Cari Amici, I am pleased to announce the reconstitution of the Calandra Center for Career Development at the Calandra Institute offices in Manhattan on January 12, 2015. The Center will provide individual career counseling and assessment to current students and members of the community, 18 years of age and older, wh...

March 26, 2015 06:00 pm - 08:00 pm John D. Calandra Italian American Institute25 West 43rd Street, 17th FloorNew York, N.Y. 10036   On March 25, 1911, just before closing time, a fire broke out at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in Greenwich Village, killing 146 people, mostly young Italian and Jewish immigrant women. The tragedy devastated fami...