The 2023 Scholarship Application is available here online. The La Famiglia Scholarship Program provides financial support for educational purposes to Little Italy Lodge (Baltimore, MD) members, spouses of a member, children, grandchildren, stepchildren or step grandchildren or wards of a member (designated as legal guardian). The 2023 Essay Questio...

2023 Italian American Bravo! Awards and Gala Event. Saturday, March 4, 2023. 5:30-10:00pm. Sons and Daughters of Italy Lodge. 5925 W. 32nd Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80212. Please join us as we recognize outstanding Italian Americans and businesses who have made substantial contributions to the community. Purchase tickets here. Our Celebration Gala in...

Joining the Sons and Daughters of Italy Lodge 2805 began as a family affair for Mark DeFranco. Mark, the group’s treasurer, who joined in 2004 to be with his cousin and the group’s founder Neil Velleca, Sr., saw it as an opportunity to socialize and work with other Italian-Americans. “My cousin, Neil Sr., thought it would be a great idea to have a...

Italian Sons and Daughters of America is pleased to announce that a new ISDA lodge has been established in Pensacola, Fla! The newest chapter, founded in September 2022, is called Primo Paradiso Lodge. Its members primarily reside in the cities of Pensacola and Gulf Breeze, and some travel from as far away as Lillian, Ala. Pensacola is known as Ame...

The Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America (OSDIA) recently had an All-Member Town Hall that met virtually on Saturday, January 14, 2023. It was a historic meeting where the entirety of the organization was invited to participate. This allowed an open line of communication to exist between the national leadership and individual members of the...

The cooking crew of Morris County’s Sons of Italy ~ Lodge 2561, armed with their pots, pans, and culinary skills, arrived at Parsippany’s Police Athletic Building, 33 Baldwin Road, to provide and prepare a hearty Italian dinner of pasta, meatballs, in support of Parsippany Wrestling Annual Pasta Dinner Fundraiser. Over Three Hundred attendees were...

Newly elected President Massimo Cicatiello, who has held top positions in the AdnKronos Editorial Group for many years and is President of Unindustria's Publishing, Information and Audiovisual Section, was unanimously elected, proposing a structured program based on a well-defined vision of the enhancement of relations between Italy and the United...

When it comes to cooking fabulous food, Italians know a thing or two. And when it comes to cooking for Christmas festivities, it's impossible to go wrong with Italian cuisine. Many Italian American families celebrate the Christmas Eve tradition of the Feast of the Seven Fishes, or Feste dei Sette Pesce. According to the Italian Sons and Daughters o...

The Cesare Battisti Lodge #27 of the Italian Sons and Daughters in America will honor Jon Biancardi as Member of the Year on Dec. 10 at the lodge’s clubhouse, Villa Cesare, in Schererville, Indiana. The grandson and son of lodge members, Biancardi serves on the board of directors and has spearheaded several new initiatives. In 2017, he launched an...

Sunday December 4th, at 2:30 at the ICS Headquarters 4833 Rugby Ave. Bethesda, MD 20814. RSVP Here. In collaboration with Georgetown University, Department of Italian & OSDIA (Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America). This event is free. Please consider an end-of-year donation. Light refreshments afterwards. If you live far from the ICS, you c...