Il Museo Philbrook di Tulsa, Oklahoma, ospita dal 10 marzo al 26 maggio la mostra "Afrodite e gli Dei dell'Amore", organizzata dal Museum of Fine Arts di Boston.   Elena di Troia e Paride, Cupido e Psiche - numerosi amanti famosi sono stati influenzati da Afrodite, una delle divinità più potenti e venerate dell'antichità. Ciononostante, Afro...

A touring art exhibition that condenses 500 years of Italian art through 40 paintings is open to visitors of the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. Museum curator Alison Amick has worked more than two years organizing Of Heaven and Earth, a collection of Italian paintings from the Glasgow Museum in Scotland. The show presents five sections covering...

by COMITES - Houston   We have all been very moved by the images we have seen of the overwhelming destruction resulting from the massive earthquake that struck central Italy in the pre-dawn hours on August 24. If you would like to make a donation toward relief efforts, COMITES - Houston (representing the Consular District which includes...

By Ryan Stewart   This Thanksgiving, do as the Romans do. No, you don't need to plan your holiday feast around pasta, pizza or breads. But you might do well to take a page from the Italians when it comes to the structure of your holiday meals, said according to Stephen Prescott, M.D., Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation president. &nb...

Before this season winds down, it's important to squeeze in some summer romance.   For such occasions, you might consider The Vine Italian Cafe in Nicoma Park. Located in a nondescript building, it feels as if you've been transported to the old country — provided Italy is that country in question.   Read more   Source: htt...

by Mia Pons   Cultural Connections: Arezzo, an art exhibit that contained works exchanged between local and Italian artists, will reopen next month in the Paseo district during the First Friday Art Walk at the Paseo Plunge.   "When the Italian artists were here back in the fall creating the exhibit, I took them to the Paseo Arts Distr...

Se per molti la conoscenza del Texas è rimasta alle puntate del telefilm Dallas (quello originale degli anni '80, non il sequel di quest'anno), vale certo la pena farci aiutare da chi lo conosce bene per scardinare questo luogo comune e raccontare un po' questo stato che rappresenta l'avanguardia per molte positive issues che fanno dell'America il...

Italian immigrants entered the Great Plains first as missionaries (Fra Marco da Nizza, 1495-1558 and Eusebio Francisco Kino, 1645-1711 were two) and later as adventurers ( Count Leonetto Cipriani, 1816-1888 and Italian American Charles Siringo, 1855-1928, for example). Since Italy was not a unified country until the Risorgimento (1860-70), early tr...

2013 is the Year of Italian Culture here in the United States, and the Oklahoma City Museum of Art is celebrating in grand style. Along with the special exhibition "Of Heaven and Earth: 500 Years of Italian Painting from Glasgow Museums," on view through Nov. 17, the museum is launching a new film series, "Italian Auteurs of the 1960s."   R...

Enel Green Power S.p.A. ("Enel Green Power"), attraverso la sua controllata Enel Green Power North America Inc. ("EGP-NA"), ha completato e allacciato alla rete il nuovo parco eolico di Osage, nell'omonima contea, in Oklahoma.   Il nuovo parco, detenuto da Osage Wind, LLC, al 50 per cento di proprietà di EGP-NA, con una capacità installata t...