Former Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-Glen Cove) and Italian-American advocacy groups have criticized Nassau County Legislator Mazi Pilip’s campaign for referring to Suozzi as the “godfather of the border crisis.” The phrase “godfather,” particularly in usage against Italian-Americans, carries a negative stereotype of association with the Mafia, as a result of...

Geneva Lodge 2397, Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America, continued its annual holiday tradition in 2023 of helping out local charitable organizations, in particular the Geneva Salvation Army and the Geneva Center of Concern. On Dec. 11, lodge members manned both entrances at the Geneva Walmart from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m., ringing the bells for...

One of Glen Cove High School’s outstanding seniors, Virginia Graziosi, was honored at Loggia Glen Cove’s December Membership meeting. During the well-attended gathering, Marianne Prince, a representative of OSDIA (Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America) New York State Commission for Social Justice, presented Virginia Graziosi with a certifica...

When Dave Anthony Setteducati and his wife joined the local Sons of Italy lodge in Smithtown, NY several years ago, they were looking to make new friends that shared the same heritage. After all, Nassau and Suffolk counties have one of the largest numbers of Italian surnamed families in the country! Not only did they make many new connections, but...

During the annual assembly of the Rome Chapter of the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America (OSDIA), Andrea Pietrini was elected President. Pietrini succeeds Massimo Cicatiello. Claudio Frasca, MBA SDA Bocconi and Immediate Past President of the Chapter, was appointed Vice President of the Rome Chapter."I am honored," Andrea Pietrini declare...

Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and Deputy Director of Veterans Services Joe Decaro attended a special Italian-American Veterans Ceremony hosted by the Sons and Daughters of Italy on Saturday, November 4th in the South End neighborhood of Springfield. Mayor Sarno states, “As we approach Veterans Day, I was honored to attend our annual Italian-American Veter...

While FDR had his fireside chats, I experienced porch side chats where I learned much about my heritage. It is well known that weekly Sunday suppers were a special time for large Italian families. It was a day of rest, except of course for Italian mothers — but they loved it, as they had an opportunity to enjoy the company of relatives and visiting...

The first ever Italian gala was held Saturday night hosted by the Springfield Son & Daughters of Italy. The Sons & Daughters of Italy celebrating its revitalization in the greater Springfield area, a rebirth thanks to an interest from younger generations in preserving Italian heritage and culture. The sold-out gala at the Sheraton featured dinner,...

Mary Elizabeth Bianchi Ferrante was born on Cleveland’s West Side to Francesco and Angelina Pasqualoni Bianchi, immigrants from Abruzzo, Italy. She is very passionate about and proud of her Italian heritage and is staunchly dedicated to its preservation and perpetuation. Mary has selflessly given years of service to the Italian American community i...

The Springfield chapter of the Sons & Daughters of Italy, St. Padre Pio #3013 will be hosting the first Annual Italian Gala at the Sheraton’s Grand Ballroom in Springfield on Saturday, October 28th 2023 at 6:00pm. The Gala will feature a five course Italian dinner, along with live music, dancing, and awards presentation. The black-tie optional affa...