There are some places in the world that everyone loves. Cefalù (pronounced ‘chefaloo’) is one of those places. People just fall in love with it. After having toured around Sicily, many return to Cefalù the following year with their extended family or friends. Some even end up buying holiday villas in Cefalù there before retiring there. So what is i...

On the largest island in the Mediterranean fringed with pretty beaches, Sicily’s capital Palermo serves up history like its irresistible desserts, each decadent slice revealing another fascinating layer. In the heart of the city, the monastery’s in-house bakery, aptly named I Segreti del Chiostro, or “The Secrets of the Cloister,” also makes cassat...

Every evening at 8pm and 8.15pm, two ferries leave the port of Naples and cut their way across the inky Tyrrhenian Sea to Palermo. The one that leaves second arrives first, at 6.45am, while the other docks at 7.30am, or thereabouts. We are always late booking travel for our annual summer trip to my partner’s hometown in Sicily, so take whatever we...

The traditional Palermo cuisine is a journey through different tastes and cultures. A journey full of colors, simplicity, and old traditions. Here we can read three dishes that people cook and eat in Palermo for three famous and traditional celebrations. The Sicilian country seat experienced long periods of colonization, decadence, and magnificence...

The Telamon of the Temple of Zeus in the Archaeological Park of Akragas, Agrigento has a length of at least twelve meters, as to say 40 feet. And from the end of 2020 the works will begin to restore it in vertical position as it originally was. A colossal architectural element that will be reconstructed with original finds that supported the entabl...

Firefighters continue to search for people feared missing after severe flooding in the Sicilian capital Palermo on Wednesday night. Rescue teams searched overnight and into Thursday morning for people feared to have drowned during the flash floods, caused by what the mayor said was the most violent rainstorm since "at least 1790". Over one metre of...

In Palermo, Arab craftsmen carpeted the Norman palace with glittering mosaics and 18th-century artisan Giacomo Serpotta fashioned fanciful scenes from stucco in chapels around the city. Few interiors in the exotic, enchanting, and at times exasperating capital of Sicily, though, are as enchanting as the stately dining room of the Palazzo Lanza Toma...

Siete a Palermo, il caldo arabo è soffocante e si riflette nei toni dorati di tufo della Cattedrale emanando rifrazioni distorte d’aria. Vi smuovete come anguille nella calca e nei rumori del centro storico fino a sgusciare nel magma ribollente di colori e profumi del Mercato del Capo… Odori inebrianti vi scorrono addosso come acqua di sorgente, co...

È passato un anno dalla firma del protocollo d’intesa, a Palazzo dei Normanni a Palermo, tra il Consiglio Generale degli Italiani all’Estero (CGIE), l’Assessorato regionale siciliano dell’Istruzione e della Formazione professionale, l’Ente regionale per il diritto allo studio universitario (ERSU) di Palermo. Il documento sottoscritto impegna i firm...

Ha rassegnato le dimissioni dalla carica di vicepresidente del Palermo l’imprenditore italo-americano Tony Di Piazza. Al termine di un lungo consiglio di amministrazione iniziato alle 16 e concluso a sera, a dare la notizia è stato lo stesso club di viale del Fante. A ospitare i lavori del cda gli uffici dello stadio “Barbera” dove erano presenti i...