The event organized by the Ministry of Education and the Falcone Foundation on 23 May is entitled "The courage of every day" to commemorate the victims of the Mafia massacres of Capaci and via D’Amelio. This year is dedicated to the commitment of all citizens who have worked for the benefit of the community in these emergency months of the country....

A task force set up by the Italian education ministry to help teachers during the COVID-19 emergency has brought in "twinning" between schools in wealthier areas and those in ones suffering social problems. Schools that have for years been experimenting with distance learning are helping out teachers from disadvantaged, outlying areas of the countr...

Legend has it that in 1625, as a plague swept Palermo and killed dozens of people each day, Saint Rosalia appeared before a man. Rosalia, a young Sicilian hermit who died 500 years earlier, told him that if the people of Palermo walked in procession while carrying her relics, to be found in a grotto on Monte Pellegrino, then the “evil fever” would...

“Sono estremamente commossa per queste anime gentili che ci stanno dando una mano”. Ha la voce rotta dal pianto Sabrina Ciulla, fondatrice dell’associazione Anirbas, attività di volontariato che si occupa dei senza tetto e di famiglie bisognose. Ha appena ricevuto la telefonata di Tony Di Piazza, vice presidente del Palermo Calcio, che le ha annunc...

Se il coronavirus non ci si metterà di mezzo i festeggiamenti per la vittoria di campionato cui il Palermo si sta avvicinando, arriveranno fino a New York. Al momento il governatore Andrew Cuomo ha proclamato lo stato d'emergenza dopo la prima serie di contagi. Ma il progetto (barra sogno) di Tony Di Piazza è lì che aspetta puntellato di dettagli: ...

Spring time is the right time to go on a city break, to enjoy the art, history and food of Italian towns at better prices than the high season and at a time where you may find less crowds. Here are five Italian cities we picked from north to south and from the islands, which also offer attractions nearby to go further explore the countryside or the...

Once upon a time there lived an intrepid Roman warlord, feared by the very most because of his political and military ability: Scipio called The African due to his glorious victory against Hannibal in 202 BC, during the Second Punic War. The city of Palermo was a precious ally in the war against Carthage, so Scipio gifted the town with a so called ...

Il 2020 sarà l’anno del volo diretto giornaliero Palermo-New York, operato da United Airlines. United, quarta compagnia al mondo, sarà operativa all’aeroporto di Palermo da 20 maggio, con aerei 767-300. Il capoluogo siciliano sarà la quinta città italiana a port usufruire di un volo no-stop con gli Stati Uniti. I voli atterreranno all’aeroporto di ...

Getting around Palermo is easy. Everything revolves around a topographical and symbolic centre: Piazza Villena. The people of Palermo prefer to call it Quattro Canti, in reference to the four symmetrical façades of the buildings which look out onto the square. Of an octagonal shape, it is located at the intersection between the two main streets of...

Il presidente della Regione Siciliana, Nello Musumeci, ha ricevuto stamane in visita di cortesia a Palazzo Orleans il neo console generale degli Stati Uniti d’America a Napoli Mary Avery. Il diplomatico americano era accompagnato da Patrick Horne, capo dell’Ufficio politico del consolato. «Il legame tra Sicilia e America – ha detto il governatore –...