Favorire la collaborazione fra le imprese italiane e i cittadini di origine italiana nel mondo; rafforzare i legami professionali e culturali tra i discendenti degli emigrati e la terra d’origine; e sviluppare nei giovani partecipanti nuove competenze di gestione aziendale e di international business con lezioni d’aula, seminari, workshop ed esperi...

A 'supercomputer of the future' which Italy has been chosen to host will be called Leonardo after the Renaissance genius, the 500th anniversary of whose death is being marked this year, the education and research ministry said Monday. It has been chosen by the European Committee on High-Performance Calculus (EuroHPC), Minister Marco Bussetti said....

An extraordinary Stradivarius violin will be treated with nanotechnology to preserve it in the future. This is what the orchestra director Mauro Ivano Benaglia proposes, who plays the instruments of the famous Cremonese luthier during his concerts. The research was started in the laboratories of a company based in Milan called "4ward360". 4ward360...

A Doric building believed to date back to the sixth or fifth century BC has emerged at the famed ancient Greek site of Paestum near Naples after thick undergrowth was cleared. Archaeologists discovered capitals, columns, cornices and other features on the building. The most surprising feature is a panel, probably a so-called metope, in sandstone de...

Un team di ricercatori italiani ha elaborato un processo di lavorazione della melanina umana che la rende in grado di condurre elettricità in maniera efficiente, l’obiettivo è creare un materiale utilizzabile in futuro per impianti cibernetici biocompatibili e a prova di rigetto.  Le melanine sono pigmenti presenti in ogni forma di vita, non sono t...

Nel pomeriggio del 4 giugno all’Ames Research Center della Nasa di Mountain View in California si è tenuto un convegno volto a rafforzare la cooperazione nel settore dello spazio tra Italia e Stati Uniti e a celebrare nell’occasione il ruolo di Matera, sia come Capitale Europea della Cultura sia quale città strategica delle tecnologie spaziali ital...

Meet the new “garbage collector” of the sea: A new crab robot, designed to sample the waters looking for microplastics polluting the ocean, made its first dive on Saturday, World Oceans Day, in the sea off the Italian coast. The Crab Robot SILVER 2 (Seabed-Interaction Legged Vehicle for Exploration and Research 2), a robot explorer of the seabed cr...

The Italian Trade Agency has published a notice for the selection of incubators / accelerators in the Austin TX area that are available for a collaboration for the incubation phase foreseen by the Global Startup Program 2019. The deadline for candidates is June 20, 2020. https://www.ice.it/en/index.php/markets/usa/houston/market-survey-notices L'It...

It's not every day that you meet someone who has actually changed the world. Maybe, as I recall, for me it's the first time, even if our chat took place on the phone, connecting Italy and California thanks to some devices all equipped with (at least) one microchip. And Federico Faggin, the creator of the first microchip in history, is the protagoni...

Per l’ex pasticcere le mani erano la vita ma è rimasto tetraplegico a causa di un incidente in auto. Ora è riuscito a recuperarne l’uso grazie a un innovativo intervento dell’equipe medico dell’ospedale Cto della Città della Salute di Torino. I medici hanno usato una tecnica chirurgica che ha permesso di bypassare il livello della lesione al midoll...