Si sono fatti valere, gli studenti partenopei dell’Iti Righi di Fuorigrotta, al Massachussets Institute of Tecnology di Boston, alla finale dello Zero Robotics High School Tournament, nell’ultima prova in collegamento con la stazione spaziale internazionale (della Nasa, la russa Rka, l’europea Esa, la giapponese Jaxa e la canadese Csa-Asc). A quest...

"Non solo reddito di cittadinanza. Le nuove generazioni sono una realtà da primato nell'inventarsi il lavoro con 560mila imprese condotte da under 35 che collocano l'Italia ai vertici dell'Unione Europea in termini di numero di giovani imprenditori". E' quanto emerge dallo studio su "I giovani italiani che creano lavoro" presentato in occasione del...

Three children with the blood disorder thalassemia can look forward to a life without transfusions thanks to a new gene therapy which has proved particularly effective with young patients, a study in Nature Medicine said Monday. Thanks to the new treatment at Milan's San Raffaele Hospital, funded by Telethon, the three children under the age of six...

International notorious Italian author Umberto Eco once said: “we live for books. A sweet mission in this world dominated by disorder and decay.” Several scientific data establish that reading helps learning skills, mind growth, and developing imagination by fostering our creative side of the brain. In Italy we are surrounded by literal pieces of h...

Olimpia Meucci, MD, PhD (Drexel University) and Renato Brandimarti, PhD (University of Bologna) received a grant from the University of Bologna to cement scientific collaborations between the two universities. The award follows a recent agreement signed by Provost Brian Blake and Il Magnifico Rettore Francesco Ubertini that facilitates and regulate...

Blown to bits by a mortar during the First World War, he unwittingly saved the life of a young Ernest Hemingway, but his identity has been a mystery for more than 100 years – until now. Historians believe they have put a name to an Italian soldier who bore the brunt of the mortar explosion, in doing so saving the life of the man who would later giv...

Saturn's rings are younger than previously thought, being born 100 million years ago when the last dinosaurs were dying out on Earth, according to a study led by Rome's Sapienza University and funded by the Italian Space Agency, published in the Science journal. The study is based on data captured by the Cassini probe in its dive into the planet's...

The American Institute of Physics (AIP) announced today that it has awarded the 2018 John Torrence Tate Award for International Leadership in Physics to Italian physicist Fabiola Gianotti. Named after the celebrated American physicist John Torrence Tate, the Tate medal was established in 1959 and is awarded every two years to non-U.S. citizens for...

Rome, caput mundi and glorious mother of western civilization, wasn’t the first power to rule over the peninsula. Naturally enough, a lot happened before that faithful April 21, 753 BC, the date selected by Latin historian Varro as the beginning of its motherland’s history. In terms of humankind history, in fact, the Roman civilization is relativel...

The Developer Academy is a partnership between the Federico II University in Naples and Apple. It also got part of its funding via the European Cohesion Policy. Valeria Fascione is a member of the regional government of Campania: “Naples is the youngest city in Europe and its a city that has a strong tradition of training engineers in new technolog...