Saturn's rings are younger than previously thought, being born 100 million years ago when the last dinosaurs were dying out on Earth, according to a study led by Rome's Sapienza University and funded by the Italian Space Agency, published in the Science journal. The study is based on data captured by the Cassini probe in its dive into the planet's...

The American Institute of Physics (AIP) announced today that it has awarded the 2018 John Torrence Tate Award for International Leadership in Physics to Italian physicist Fabiola Gianotti. Named after the celebrated American physicist John Torrence Tate, the Tate medal was established in 1959 and is awarded every two years to non-U.S. citizens for...

Rome, caput mundi and glorious mother of western civilization, wasn’t the first power to rule over the peninsula. Naturally enough, a lot happened before that faithful April 21, 753 BC, the date selected by Latin historian Varro as the beginning of its motherland’s history. In terms of humankind history, in fact, the Roman civilization is relativel...

The Developer Academy is a partnership between the Federico II University in Naples and Apple. It also got part of its funding via the European Cohesion Policy. Valeria Fascione is a member of the regional government of Campania: “Naples is the youngest city in Europe and its a city that has a strong tradition of training engineers in new technolog...

Nel Vangelo secondo Matteo si narra della celebre parabola dei talenti. La morale è nota: sia lodato chi sa investirne quanti ne riceve e redarguito chi, invece, per paura, abbia a sotterrarli. Da bimbi, forse, si può far fatica a capire, ma, da adulti, pure laicamente, si è in dovere di mettere in pratica questo messaggio. Così ha fatto Frances...

One of the blue-sky concepts that has been a popular talking point in medical 3D printing circles is the notion of installing 3D printers at hospital bedsides. That vision is edging a little closer to reality, thanks to a partnership between LimaCorporate (San Daniele del Friuli, Italy) and the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS; New York, NY). The...

Ci sono anche quattro realtà italiane in corsa per il Fruit Logistica Innovation Award (FLIA) 2019, l’oscar dell’innovazione nel settore ortofrutticolo assegnato ogni anno nell’ambito della kermesse berlinese (6-8 febbraio 2019, fiera Messe). Il 6 e 7 febbraio, i primi due giorni del salone, oltre 77 mila visitatori professionali provenienti da più...

L’antica Siracusa ricostruita con uno spettacolare video in 3D. Un’accurata ricostruzione che ci permette di fare un salto nel tempo e di ammirare quella che per Cicerone fu “la più grande bella di tutte le città greche”. Fondata nel 734 a.C. da coloni di Corinto, Siracusa raggiunse il suo massimo splendore nel periodo greco. L’importanza della cit...

I’ve been fascinated by the artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci for decades. He had one of the most innovative minds ever. Next year is the 500th anniversary of his death, and I thought I would share a short video about a project I’ve worked on that is helping to mark the occasion. The project is called the Codescope. It’s an interactive kiosk wi...

La professoressa Alessandra Albertini, direttrice dal 2012 del dipartimento di Biologia e biotecnologie “Spallanzani” di Pavia, è andata in pensione il primo gennaio di quest’anno, donando all’università 250mila euro da utilizzare entro il 2023 per cofinanziare posizioni di ricercatori a tempo determinato junior e di assegnisti di ricerca del dipar...