From Monday 21st April, on the occasion of the 2767th Birthday of Rome, the lights will turn on the Forum of Augustus and "The Forum of Augustus. 2000 Years Later" project, promoted Roma Capitale, Gabinetto del Sindaco, Assessorato alla Cultura, Creatività e Promozione Artistica – Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali and produced by Zètema P...

Inizieranno domani pomeriggio alla Farnesina i lavori della assemblea plenaria del Cgie, convocata dal segretario generale Elio Carozza.   La plenaria inizierà, come di consueto, con le relazioni del Governo, del Comitato di Presidenza e gli interventi dei parlamentari inviati da Camera e Senato.I lavori riprenderanno giovedì mattina con l'i...

WTI Magazine #58    2015 April, 17Author : Umberto Mucci      Translation by:   Hi everybody, first of all let us wish a Happy birthday to our city, the capital of our beloved country, Rome: the legend tells that on April 21st Rome will celebrate its 2768th birthday, being born in 753 BC! As you know, We the Italians has its headquarters in Rome,...

AUR hosted it's first (of many, we hope) annual Parents' Weekend and Thanksgiving Dinner between the 26th and 28th of November and it was a truly rewarding and enjoyable undertaking. It's not just us saying that either; ""It is great to see" said Michael Hook (parent to Lindsey) "how AUR has organized itself in providing not only good education to...

NEW YORK- Buone notizie per chi vuole andare a New York. Delta Air Lines riprenderà i suoi voli da sabato 23 marzo, con volo diretto nonstop dall'aeroporto di Roma Fiumicino a New York-Jfk in codeshare con Alitalia. Il volo stagionale, che si aggiunge a quello giornaliero per Atlanta, offre tante coincidenze per numerose destinazioni negli Stati Un...

By John Phillips Italy must follow the USA and create more private universities to prevent the Italian youth workforce becoming "marginalised," American University of Rome President Richard Hodges says. "We are in a global market, not just a national one, so this needs to be reflected in people's education," Dr Hodges told the Italian Insider...

Diplomazia per la crescita, attrazione degli investimenti esteri, internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane. Saranno questi i temi principali della X Conferenza Ambasciatori, in programma il 18 e 19 dicembre alla Farnesina.   Un appuntamento che, quest'anno più che mai, sarà incentrato sul ruolo dei diplomatici italiani nella strada dell...

As celebrations of the bimillennium since the death of Augustus continue, Rome hosts the exhibit L'arte del comando. L'eredità di Augusto, at the Museo dell'Ara Pacis until September 7th. The event marks the first Roman Emperor's capacity to win the consensus and approval that would allow him to become a model and source of inspiration, even after...

An extraordinary exhibition to mark the 450th anniversary of Michelangelo's death – 18 February 1564 – is opening today in Rome at the Musei Capitolini, located in Piazza del Campidoglio, the very same square Michelangelo designed and made famous around the world.   "Michelangelo. Incontrare un artista universale" features 70 works by the Tu...

By Cynthia Martens   The 20th annual edition of the Leonardo Prizes, which recognize industry leaders who promote a positive image of Italian manufacturing abroad, took place on Monday in Rome at the Quirinal Palace, official residence of Italian president Sergio Mattarella, who distributed the awards.   Jeffrey R. Immelt, the America...