“I’m Staying in the South” looks set to be the name of the new incentive to encourage entrepreneurship among young people who decide to not leave the South of Italy, where youth unemployment is a record highs. The norm under study would merge with the so-called “Decree for the South” that the government is preparing to help boose the economy in thi...

The Italian Trade Agency of Los Angeles, in collaboration with the Los Angeles Venture Association, is pleased to invite you to the event Sardinia Goes Global. The event will take place at the Italian Cultural Institute of Los Angeles on June 9, from 6:30pm. to 9:15pm. Linked below the event website where you can find all the relevant information –...

It's no surprise that Italy has been a firm favourite for holidaymakers for decades. The weather is sunny, the food is famously delicious, and there's plenty to do whether you're after a cultural getaway or a beach break. Plus, you don't need to break the bank for a visit - there are plenty of cheap flights on offer, not to mention the wide array o...

A bridge is formed between Italy and the United States using creativity and culture to divulge Italian identity through the promotion of art, knowledge, language and history by exporting the true essence of the Beautiful Country: this is Valeria Orani's goal with her Umanism Agency. Motivated by the fundamental principle of Umanism that aims to cre...

No Italian woman as Grazia Deledda has been able to mix in her writings love, pain, and the sense of universal that intertwines these two feelings apparently very distant. And few writers have been able to link their work to the homeland, as did Grazia Deledda for her Sardinia, making her island into the character and the true meaning of her contro...

Sardinia was awarded the "Best Beach destination Europe" prize on the occasion of the 24th edition of the International Travel and Tourism Exhibition (MITT) in Moscow. MITT, the most important tourist fair in Eastern Europe and one of the five largest fairs on the continent, showcased the Region Sardinia and its traditional stand "Sardegna Endless...

Mare blu, spiagge incantevoli, calette silenziose. Ballare sotto le stelle in Sardegna. Tuffarsi dalle scogliere all’Elba. Nuotare tra le acque selvagge della Sicilia. Passeggiare tra le meraviglie di una riserva naturale. O farsi un bagno ai Caraibi nostrani, tra le acque del Salento. Per rilassarsi in coppia, divertirsi in famiglia o con gli amic...

A Google search for “best European beaches” is what sparked my interest in Sardinia, an Italian island that up until that point I had encountered only on the back of wine bottles. Turns out that compared to most of Western Europe, the island attracts relatively few tourists. Sure enough, for our first few days in Sardinia, we heard hardly a word of...

The Spirit of Sardinia. Photo exhibit February 3rd-28th. There will be a photo show on the life and folklore of Sardinia on Vashon island @ Snapdragon Bakery and Cafe. Address: 17817 Vashon Hwy SW, Vashon, WA 98070 Opening night will be this Friday, February 3rd 6-9pm and they will also be serving traditional Sardinian food. The pictures will be up...

di Giampaolo Colletti   Nel 2015 sogno di ripartire da quell'Italia che ho ammirato anche nel corso del 2014. Quante strade, quanti viaggio, quante persone ho avuto il piacere di incontrare nell'anno che sta per chiudersi. Un futuro che si prova a disegnare a immagine e somiglianza della propria comunità locale, cercando nelle nuove tecnolo...