They survived the worst ever migrant catastrophe in the Mediterranean, but now a group of refugees find themselves in a surreal new environment – a former US military base in Sicily that has been turned into a vast encampment for the desperate and dispossessed.   The 16 adult survivors of Sunday's disaster, in which a boat capsized off the c...

March 19 (Thursday) 6:30 pmCelebrating St. Joseph's Day in Sicily, A Presentation by Lou Barrella This DVD presentation will highlight both the sacred and secular ways that St.Joseph's Day is celebrated in Sicily. You will see simple and elaborate St. Joseph's tables as well as the food that makes the day so special. Music examples will go from th...

Sicily and Coca Cola have forged an alliance at Milan Expo 2015 for environmental sustainability and against food waste. This is the message that has emerged from a workshop on Sicily's products of excellence – fruit and vegetables – organized at Palazzo Italia.   For the occasion, the US beverage giant and Sicily's citrus district have pres...

di Giovanna Cirino   Fuggire dalla fame, dalla violenza, da un destino bastardo già segnato. Partire per costruirsi un futuro dignitoso. Storie di ieri come cronache di oggi. Cambiano i nomi, il colore della pelle, i moli di partenza, i porti d'arrivo, ma coraggio e paura, ottimismo e malasorte, sono il comune filo rosso di esperienze che si...

Will pieces of Morgantina silver return to New York from Sicily this year? The clock is ticking to renegotiate the deal struck in 2006 between the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, the Italian government and the regional government of Sicily that should, in theory, mean the remarkable collection of ancient Greek silver and silver gilt-artefacts...

WTI Magazine #79    2016 May 13Author : Umberto Mucci      Translation by:   Here in Italy, soccer is more popular than all other sports combined. It is becoming stronger and stronger in America, too. Many strong Italians play for the American league today, such as Andrea Pirlo for the New York City league and Sebastian Giovinco for the Toronto l...

Il Center for Italian Studies Lecture di New York informa che partirà dal 7 febbraio prossimo alle 18.00 una serie di letture su vari temi.   Protagonista del primo appuntamento sarà Marcello Saija, (Università di Palermo) che interverrà sul tema "Immigrazione Siciliana in America", con l'introduzione di Vincenzo Pascale Ph.D., coordinatore...

Wine lovers thirsting for affordable wine tastings, look no further. The Italian Cultural & Community Center's next "Vini d'Italia" will take place Thursday June 20, 2013 at 7 p.m. The ICCC's Italian wine expert, Philip Cusimano, will lead you through the wines from Sicily. This educational lecture and wine tasting is guaranteed to satisfy any...

The first week of February sees the 77th edition of the Sagra del mandorlo in fiore in Agrigento's Valley of the Temples (Feb. 2-9), a party to welcome spring and observe the blooming of the almond trees. Throughout the years, the event has become ever more international, while at the same time maintaining its original cultural significance, with...

Il Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività culturali e del Turismo ha ricevuto notizia della valutazione positiva della candidatura Unesco "Palermo arabo normanna e le Cattedrali di Cefalù e Monreale" giunta dall'Icomos, l'organismo internazionale consultivo di riferimento per il patrimonio culturale.   La candidatura, svoltasi con il coordiname...