by Antonina Zielinska In the wake of the tragic deaths of over a 100 immigrants off the coast of Italy, the faithful of Italian descent gathered for the 32nd annual Italian Apostolate Day in honor of Our Lady of Pompei. After reciting the Rosary in Italian, the congregation in the Basilica of Regina Pacis, Bensonhurst, recited several Hail Ma...

Non uno ma due viaggi l'hanno portata prima nella Sicilia delle miniere di zolfo e poi nella New York in espansione. Oggi in quella Sicilia torna ancora e a New York ha portato l'arte della sua Isola. Siculo-americana o globetrotter poco importa, Maria Rand Catalano è, senza dubbio, l'ambasciatrice della cultura siciliana in America. Come Andrea C...

di Roberto Chifari È l'unico polo di ricerca nell'intero sud Italia in grado di stabilire con dati scientifici, su base genetica, l'esatta composizione di un prodotto agroalimentare, identificando l'origine dei singoli ingredienti fino ad accertare l'autenticità di una specialità con marchio Dop oppure un'eventuale contraffazione.   Si chia...

June 15th is the Feast day of San Vito (St. Vitus), one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. Widely venerated across Southern Italy, he is the patron saint of Mazara del Vallo, Ciminna, Forio, San Vito sullo Ionio, Regalbuto and Torella die Lombardi, among others.   Read more   Fonte: Magna Grece    

  WTI Magazine #35    2014 June, 18Author :      Translation by:   Messina, a city rich in history and centuries-old religious traditions, each year renews its great devotion and the moving tribute to one of the world's most beloved saints, St. Anthony of Padua, the saint of miracles.    

"Rosalia's Bittersweet Pastry Shop," a novel by Rosanna Chiofalo, uncovers the special significance of food as the food writer Claudia Lombardo, uncovers a bakery beside a Sicilian convent, which produces a dessert beloved by all those who taste it.   Food – which brings people together, comforts and heals the wounds of strained relationships, an...

Confindustria Sicilia, partner di Enterprise Europe Network, ha organizzato insieme con l'American Chamber of Commerce in Italy un incontro per promuovere le opportunità di business fra l'Italia e gli Usa.PALERMO - Un'America più siciliana. E una Sicilia più americana. Con questo spirito Confindustria Sicilia ha organizzato un incontro, a Palermo,...

The population of the United States is defined by diversity, and one of the brightest pieces in this mosaic is the Italoamericani community, says author and business consultant Lou Quattro. "All cultures bring valuable gifts to the table, but the Italian/Sicilian people and culture are especially clever and creative," says Quattro, who was born in...

We are in the final stages of the definitive documentary on Sicily entitled Reimagining Sicily. Two-thirds of the film has has been shot. At this time, we need your help to complete the project. We are continuing to search for funding and investment to complete this exciting project. I am now able to send a full-treatment and Information Overview...

The Sicilian American Cultural Association will present Gloria Coco with its Medal of merit on Sept. 27 at Monastero's Banquets in Chicago. Tickets for the event are $40 for adults (cash bar) and $18 for children 2 to 12 years of age. Entertainment will be provided by past winners of the Bel Canto Foundation Opera Contest. (773-588–2515) The...