Elisa Martorana, fotoreporter bagherese, sta riscuotendo un grande successo oltreoceano presso la prestigiosa galleria d'arte Casa Belvedere di NY.   Martorana è arrivata alla Italian Cultural Fondation con il suo progetto fotografico Quelli di Bagheria dopo Baarìa, già patrocinato dal Mibac e dal Parlamento della Legalità, conquistando pubb...

Una delegazione di aziende siciliane presenti a New York in occasione del Summer Fancy Food 2013 ha partecipato ieri ad un incontro organizzato presso l'ufficio di rappresentanza di Banca Popolare di Vicenza al 595 di Madison Avenue. A fare gli onori di casa Gianni Sellers responsabile del desk dell'Istituto bancario italiano che ha illustrato le...

When: Sunday, April 14, 2013 — 4 p.m. Where: Orsogna Plaza, 316 Main St., Everett MA [map] Join the Federazione Associazioni Italiane e Italo Americane New England in celebrating music and food from four Italian regions during its "Pomeriggio Regionale."   Read more   Fonte: Bostoniano  

by Susan Dickenson   The Italian Trade Agency is hosting U.S. retailers and Sicilian ceramic artisans this week for a B2B networking program in Caltagirone, Italy. Independent brick-and-mortar retailers from California, Texas, Illinois, Washington and Ohio are meeting with about two dozen studios and production facilities in and around Calta...

Interviews were conducted and filmed in Sicily for an upcoming movie documentary. Now a (preferably native-born and raised in Sicily) person is needed to translate into English– direct from the video.   Applicants also need to be able to record time code as they go, so that the filmmaker is able to match to frame. The translator will watch v...

Italian food and Sicilian food come with a lot of flavor and style, which represents the lifestyles of both Italians and Sicilians. Many people think of them as one in the same, but Sicilians practice many customs that differ from their mainland Italian countrymen. These differences include food. Sicilians use a lot of fish in their everyday diet,...

di Michele Chisena   Charlie Parker diceva che la musica è tutto. "È l'esperienza, i pensieri e la saggezza. Se non la vivi, non verrà fuori dal tuo strumento". Della massima del più grande sassofonista contralto che la storia del jazz abbia mai conosciuto, Francesco Cafiso è vicino e lontano. Da un lato riconosce che: "La musica è uno strum...

by Porter Fox   The trip began years before we met, when Sara wrote a short story about the perfect marriage. It started like this: "____ and I are moving to Europe to paint and make love, right after he finishes his diamond floor. We will live in a gigantic home filled with magic and passion.   One of our favorite things to do in the...

By Niccolò Graffio   The travesty that produced the modern country of Italy worked to suppress in no small way the native cultures of Southern Italy, but it could not destroy them. As the advocates of Risorgimento moved to center the political life of the nascent state around Rome (and the economic life in the north) they likewise tried to s...

December 17, 2015. 06:00 pm - 07:30 pm. John D Calandra Italian American Institute (CUNY) - 25 W 43rd St #17, New York, NY 10036. This collection of essays contributes to the fundamental mission of the Mediterranean Centre for Intercultural Studies—founded in 2012 and located in Erice, Sicily—with the specific goal of creating a...