In a surprising announcement, President-elect Donald Trump has named Sylvester Stallone as one of his "Special Ambassadors" to Hollywood. The move aims to restore the American film industry to its former glory and boost its economic and cultural impact. Stallone, known worldwide for his roles in iconic film franchises like Rocky and Rambo, is expec...

Couples who look awkward on skates — and on dates — had a chance to celebrate their cute clumsiness in a Rocky and Adrian look-alike contest at Philadelphia’s RockyFest. The event at the University of Pennsylvania’s 1923 Ice Rink was meant to echo the pair’s first date in “Rocky.” In the 1976 film, the boxer never actually dons ice skates in the sc...

Rocky Balboa fans are ready to go the distance — by bus, by ice skates, by 72 steps — to honor Philly’s favorite fictional fighter almost 50 years after the first movie launched the enduring series of an underdog boxer persevering despite the odds. Yo, Adrian, Philly finally did it! The city Rocky called home at last has a week dedicated to the box...

Hollywood icon and action movie superstar Sylvester Stallone is now working on bringing back one of his most iconic creations, Rocky, in a prequel project. The actor revealed that he is now writing the project while appearing on the Inspire Me podcast, saying that the script “seems to write itself.” "The Rocky prequel is very near and dear to my he...

Devoted fans of the "Rocky" franchise stunned Philadelphia planners in December when the city held its first Rocky Day outside the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Sylvester Stallone, the writer and star of the classic films, was greeted by.thousands of people – including some from distant countries – who had come to celebrate boxing's greatest fictiona...

“It ain’t about how hard you hit… It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward” is the famous and iconic line from Rocky. It’s so ubiquitous the line even made a resurgence during the TikTok and Instagram era as the backing voiceover that’s laid over inspirational videos of wannabe entrepreneurial types and fitness influencers taking...

Dear friends, the year ends as many things scheduled for 2024 overlap with the last things for 2023. For We the Italians, the year ended with participation in a prestigious conference entitled "Cultura ed identità delle comunità italiane all’estero: tra Turismo delle Radici ed internazionalizzazione del Sistema Paese." The event was organized in be...

Just like last year, We the Italians decided that also in 2023 we wanted to name the Italian American of the year. Last year there was little time to survey all our 100,000 newsletter subscribers, and we asked the members of our team. Stanley Tucci was the 2022 winner. This year we asked all of you, and we had a great response! This year too we dec...

Fans sprinted up the steps leading to the Philadelphia Museum of Art as if they were running behind Rocky Balboa. But they were simply trying to get a view of the man who made the steps famous by climbing them nearly five decades ago. Unlike that “Rocky” scene, the celebration was at the bottom of the stairs rather than the top. That was where Sylv...

Sylvester Stallone will be outside the Philadelphia Museum Art for the grand opening of the new Rocky Shop and to declare Dec. 3 "Rocky Day" in the city this weekend. Rocky himself will be at the event at 11 a.m. Sunday at the Parkway Visitor Center, which sits adjacent to Eakins Oval near the museum. The grand opening event, hosted by the Visitor...