Con te partirò... negli Usa. In occasione dell'atteso tour a stelle e strisce di Andrea Bocelli che toccherà Las Vegas il 7 dicembre, Phoenix l'8, poi Brooklyn, Washington, Tampa e Atlanta, il tenore toscano ha concesso un'intervista esclusiva a L'Italo-Americano. Si è parlato di musica, di America, di solidarietà e della sua ultima fatica, "Passio...

Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli will return to the United States for a select run of concerts in 2013 as he drums up support for his recently released "Passione." "Passione" is a collection of Mediterranean love songs featuring duets with global pop stars Jennifer Lopez, Nelly Furtado and the late Edith Piaf. The legendary singer is the biggest sell...

Hundreds of Italian-Americans and Tampa Bay area locals took to the streets in Ybor City on Sunday for the 19th annual Festa Italiana.   The weekend event, which honored the traditions of Italian culture, allowed attendees to enjoy authentic cuisine from more than 25 restaurants, along with music and the company of family and friends. There...

Viaggio come avventura e come sfida. Come riscoperta di un rapporto autentico con la natura e con la gente. Come espressione concreta di solidarieta' e di amicizia. Sono questi gli ingredienti delle imprese off-limits di Beppe Faresin, il canoista vicentino balzato piu' volte agli onori della cronaca per avere raccolto con successo fondi per l'Unic...

Grave robbers struck a mausoleum at the Italian Club Cemetery in Ybor. Investigators said someone broke into one of the mausoleums and stole a coffin with three bodies inside. It is not known when the crime happened because the cemetery has little traffic. The stolen coffin contained the bodies of Carlos Spicola, who died in 1914, Ma...

Gianluca Fontani è il presidente della Camera di commercio italiana a Miami. Nel nostro viaggio fra i protagonisti dei rapporti fra Italia e Stati Uniti, ci sembra importante dare voce a chi presiede una istituzione fondamentale in una delle zone più importanti per il business in America. Presidente Fontani, ci parli un po' di lei. Da Firenze a Mi...

by Jeff Berlinicke   Jack Provenzano is very, very Italian. His heritage is in his blood and in his heart — and he wants to share it with other Italians throughout Hillsborough County. He is the president of the newly formed Italian American Club at the Northdale Recreation Center. It is open to everyone — even to non-Italians — and mee...

While guests consumed more than 500 plates of spaghetti at the 41st annual Feast of St. Joseph, many caught up with friends or sang along with classics from the 1950s to the 1970s. The March 19 event at the Sons of Italy Lodge benefited the MacDonald Training Center.   The late Al Noto Sr. started the tradition, and his family, friends,...