Dal 2 al 6 febbraio scorsi, ENIT Usa – con Sicilia Convention Bureau, Convention Bureau ItaliaeComune di Catania- ha portato un gruppo di buyer del turismo congressuale USA in Sicilia per il Famtrip“DiscoveringSicily& The Feast of St.Agatha” tra Catania, Siracusa, Taormina e l'Etna. Oltre al tour alla scoperta dell'Etna, la delegazione americana ha...
READ MOREAmerican-turned-Roman John Henderson, who blogs about life in Italy at Dog-Eared Passport, picks ten of his favourite lesser-known Italian destinations to inspire your 2018 travels. So you’re sitting at your desk and you can’t decide whether to continue your mind-numbingly boring project or kill your boss? Your last three internet dates looked stra...
READ MOREThe local paper was breathless with excitement: “Rihanna, sirena sexy, a Ponza!” it shrieked. And me too! I was in Ponza as well! Though 24 hours ago I hadn’t even known the place existed. (Mind you, I am pretty shaky on the exact status of Rihanna.) The Pontine islands are a dragon-backed scattering of humps sticking up out of the sea south of Rom...
READ MOREMantua. Another one of those Italian towns you’ve never heard of, right? Well, let’s start with the bedroom. A vast, dimly lit chamber with thick walls and bare tile floor, it is hardly cozy. More than 26 feet wide and roughly that tall, it is a chilly cube that nestles deep in the recesses of the Castello di San Giorgio. But since 1475, when its fr...
READ MOREWithin the great Italian food industry, Tuscan products represent a further worldwide-acclaimed added value. The popularity of Tuscan products even beyond the national territory is confirmed by the steady growth of its exports. In the 2006-2016 decade, exports of food and beverage products increased respectively by 20 and 24% (data provided by Irpe...
READ MOREAmongst the many philosophers who ever reflected on the issue of marriage, Søren Kierkegaard stands out for his austere view. Without pessimism nor irony, he praised the institution by noting, Marriage is and remains the most important voyage of discovery human beings undertake. There are locations such as the Castle of Torcrescenza – just north of...
READ MOREThe nature of mystery is manyfold and there is certainly more to it than supernatural events, haunted locations and unsolved murders. Mystery, sometimes, lies also in our impossibility to interpret a habit or a specific moment in history, to understand why our ancestors behaved in a specific manner. Many places in Italy carry within mysteries of th...
READ MOREIl Consiglio Direttivo della Commissione Nazionale Italiana per l’UNESCO presieduto da Franco Bernabè, nel corso della riunione dello scorso 24 gennaio, ha deciso di indicare come candidature italiane alla Lista del Patrimonio Mondiale dell’UNESCO per il 2019 gli “Ecosistemi forestali della Sila” e le “Alpi del Mediterraneo”, quest’ultima come cand...
READ MOREThere’s nothing particularly healthy about what the people on the island of Sardinia eat and drink, yet the island has dramatically more residents living to 100 plus than anywhere else in Italy or in North America. What’s their secret? Susan Pinker is a developmental psychologist and author. For her latest book, The Village Effect, Pinker studied h...
READ MOREToday more than ever, its position makes it unique and irreplaceable, a real cultural melting pot for the whole of Europe with a look at the world. To this important national event will be added, from 16th of June to 4th of November 2018, the artistic event MANIFESTA12, one of the main contemporary art Biennials on a world scale.