Choose Chicago, l’ente ufficiale di promozione turistica della città di Chicago, ha iniziato una partnership con Master Consulting Fl per l’implementazione e attivazione di diversi programmi dedicati ad agenti di viaggio e tour operator. «Nel 2016, l’Italia si è posizionata al nono posto per numero di visitatori oltre oceano, scalando una posizione...

Al vertice c’è l’affascinante Angkor Wat, in Cambogia, il “tempio della città” nel quasi omonimo sito archeologico nei pressi di Siem Reap, che emerge maestoso dalla foresta pluviale. Alla seconda piazza, invece, il Taj Mahal, in India, con buona pace delle autorità dell’Uttar Pradesh che hanno fatto fuori il “mausoleo dell’amore” di Agra dai mater...

Italy has a new top-rated restaurant: St. Hubertus, nestled at the foot of the Dolomite mountains, which has just been awarded a maximum three Michelin stars. St. Hubertus, run by South Tyrol native Norbert Niederkofler in the ski village of San Cassiano, is the ninth restaurant in Italy to win the Michelin Guide’s coveted third star.

Overshadowed by powerhouse destinations like Rome and Florence, Modena flies under most travelers’ radars. But given that this northern city is the birthplace of many Italian icons — from balsamic vinegar to Ferrari cars to famed tenor Luciano Pavarotti — there’s no shortage of cultural and culinary riches to discover. Thanks to its star turn in th...

Employment levels in the culture sector are rising across Europe including in Italy, according to the third annual report by Associazione Civita. The report, entitled "L'Arte di produrre Arte. Competitività e Innovazione nella Cultura e nel Turismo" ('Art Produces Art, Competition and Innovation in Culture and Tourism'), noted that 614 people were...

Bisognerebbe ripensare all’Italia alla luce delle sue migliori potenzialità, cultura e turismo in primis, ma fuori dal solito luogo comune delle buone (astratte) intenzioni e dati alla mano. In questa prospettiva, è un’autentica iniezione di fiducia quella che viene dalla California, ed esattamente da Valeria Rumori, direttrice dell’Istituto italia...

Looking for ways to brighten the darkest month of the year? From ski slopes to fire festivals, marathons to markets, Italy has plenty to offer. Shop like a Milanese: Milan celebrates its patron saint, Sant'Ambrogio, on December 7th. It celebrates with one of the oldest fairs in Italy, Oh Bej! Oh Bej! ("How beautiful!" in local dialect), which takes...

As a stressed-out, workaholic father I was unequivocal… I did not need Oliver's Travels complimentary nanny service for my first foreign holiday with my two young kids Zak and Nell thank you very much. Babysitting…? Pah, not for me! I'll spend every waking minute with the little darlings. No sir-ee, together we are going to fall in love with Puglia...

Italy is drowning in an embarrassment of riches – from Venice to Florence, Naples to Rome, the country often features as a top destination on any traveller’s wish list. While all of this may be good for business, unsustainable levels of mass tourism are pushing locals out of some cities in the country. The most extreme example is Venice: At its pea...

Not many tourists have ever heard about Basilicata, and to be fair the beauties of “Italy’s secret garden” remains unknown to many Italians as well. This is a pity, becase there are at least ten good reasons to spend some time in this beautiful region. The Lonely Planet has chosen Matera, the pearl of the Tyrrhenian, as one of the top 10 cities Bes...