Everywhere I went, I walked in her footsteps. She stepped on these same stones, past the Roman-era thermal baths, beyond the church, to the 15th-Century castle in the heart of the town. When I pictured her, she was no longer the white-haired octogenarian I knew from my childhood, but a 25-year-old newlywed with her whole life ahead of her. In the f...

Adeguare l’offerta turistica ai trend della domanda significa fondare la strategia di un Paese su di un’analisi che evidenzi i maggiori cambiamenti e bisogni espressi dai turisti. Il XXI Rapporto sul Turismo Italiano propone nella sezione “Turismi e Mercati” un’articolata analisi dei principali segmenti turistici: molti di questi nascono come fenom...

The moment it first occurs to me that Catania is Italy’s most underrated city, I’m zooming along the Ionian coast on the back of a silver scooter as my new friend Daniele steers us toward a stretch of shoreline called the Cyclops Riviera. Daniele is a philosophy grad student I met while wandering around the University of Catania, part of which is h...

Visitors can also go beneath the arena to explore the underground complex below the surface and, in doing so, get a sense of how the amphitheater operated in antiquity. The atmospheric corridors and subterranean chambers are filled with ancient stonework and objects. The openings in the ceiling and the long central ditch which divides the arena ser...

Italia e Stati Uniti sempre più vicini. Disinnescata la minaccia di un effetto Trump anche sul mercato turistico, i flussi tra i due Paesi  continuano invece a mostrare segnali di crescita. Lo dicono i dati di U.S. commercial service presentati quest’anno a Venezia all’Hilton Molino Stucky, in occasione dello Showcase Usa-Italy 2018. l’evento annua...

A record 60 million foreign tourists visited Italy last year, Culture Minister Dario Franceschini said Thursday. According to ISTAT data, he said, arrivals in Italian tourist facilities rose by 5.5 million (4.5%) to a new record high of 122.3 million. The rise was 60% due to foreign tourism which registered 2,964,951 arrivals more, up 5.2%, accordi...

While there are many foodie destinations in this world, there are far fewer that are so deeply rooted in food culture that their name is better known as something to eat than somewhere to go. But don’t just stick to consuming its products via your local deli counter – the city that gives us Parma ham and Parmesan cheese has more than these two wond...

The interministerial economic planning committee (CIPE) on Wednesday approved a Grand Project for Ostia Antica along the lines of the one that has enhanced visits to Pompeii. The CIPE earmarked some 40 million euros to valorise and reopen some areas of the ancient Roman port as well as setting up a new unified visit system linking up the archaeolog...

The three-story school building hasn’t changed much. The blackboards still hang against the ochre-colored classroom wall. Even the morning ritual is familiar: Two students walk through the rows of tiny desks to collect the exercise books, which are still stacked inside in the same storage closet used during the late 1980s, when I was a primary scho...

Le trattative erano già state avviate con il management di Meridiana. Ma con il varo di Air Italy e l’ingresso nel capitale di Qatar Airways (49%) si entra nel vivo. E dall’estate del 2019 Bari potrebbe essere collegata direttamente con New York grazie a un volo garantito dalla stessa Air Italy. Il confronto tra Aeroporti di Puglia, la società che...