Dal 2 al 6 febbraio scorsi, ENIT Usa – con Sicilia Convention Bureau, Convention Bureau ItaliaeComune di Catania- ha portato un gruppo di buyer del turismo congressuale USA in Sicilia per il Famtrip“DiscoveringSicily& The Feast of St.Agatha” tra Catania, Siracusa, Taormina e l'Etna. Oltre al tour alla scoperta dell'Etna, la delegazione americana ha...

American-turned-Roman John Henderson, who blogs about life in Italy at Dog-Eared Passport, picks ten of his favourite lesser-known Italian destinations to inspire your 2018 travels. So you’re sitting at your desk and you can’t decide whether to continue your mind-numbingly boring project or kill your boss? Your last three internet dates looked stra...

The local paper was breathless with excitement: “Rihanna, sirena sexy, a Ponza!” it shrieked. And me too! I was in Ponza as well! Though 24 hours ago I hadn’t even known the place existed. (Mind you, I am pretty shaky on the exact status of Rihanna.) The Pontine islands are a dragon-backed scattering of humps sticking up out of the sea south of Rom...

Mantua. Another one of those Italian towns you’ve never heard of, right? Well, let’s start with the bedroom. A vast, dimly lit chamber with thick walls and bare tile floor, it is hardly cozy. More than 26 feet wide and roughly that tall, it is a chilly cube that nestles deep in the recesses of the Castello di San Giorgio. But since 1475, when its fr...

Si scrive «basic» o «light», a seconda della sponda dell’Atlantico nella quale ci si trova. Si traduce «spendi di meno per il volo, ma bagaglio in stiva e scelta del posto sono un extra». E l’«extra» può toccare pure i 140 euro. A passeggero. È la nuova fase dei collegamenti Europa-Usa. E stavolta non riguarda soltanto chi decide di salire a bordo...

Italian airline Meridiana has announced that it will begin serving Miami International Airport with four weekly flights from Milan starting June 8, utilizing recently refurbished 247-seat Airbus A330-200 aircraft. Miami will join New York as the carrier’s two U.S. destinations.  After its summer 2018 expansion, Meridiana’s network from Milan will i...

Dopo aver attivato lo scorso mese di novembre i collegamenti dall'aeroporto di Fiumicino verso New York-Newark (7 giorni su 7) e Los Angeles (3 alla settimana), Norwegian, tra le migliori compagnie aeree low-cost lungo raggio al mondo e in Europa e che dal 2007 ha scelto Roma Fiumicino come base operativa in Italia (lo scorso anno la compagnia aere...

Amongst the many philosophers who ever reflected on the issue of marriage, Søren Kierkegaard stands out for his austere view. Without pessimism nor irony, he praised the institution by noting, Marriage is and remains the most important voyage of discovery human beings undertake. There are locations such as the Castle of Torcrescenza – just north of...

First things first: learn how to order coffee. We get down to basics in Caffè Letterario where the owner, Pasquale, greets our new arrivals, putting them at ease. It’s caffè (never espresso!), cappuccino – just like English, but say latte and you’ll get milk, so ask for caffè latte, or even, latte macchiato – milk with a dash of coffee, or un macch...

The nature of mystery is manyfold and there is certainly more to it than supernatural events, haunted locations and unsolved murders. Mystery, sometimes, lies also in our impossibility to interpret a habit or a specific moment in history, to understand why our ancestors behaved in a specific manner. Many places in Italy carry within mysteries of th...