by  Marco Biscella   The three happiest towns in Italy are concentrated in the Alto Adige, or South Tyrol, according to a ranking of "Happy Towns 2015" by Sintesi research center for Il Sole 24 Ore's Research Center. The list looks at Italian towns with populations of 5-50,000 people that have achieved the best balance of economic, social, e...

An Italian software and IT services company now has a controlling share of a Birmingham company that provides credit union technology services.   Dedagroup NA is the North American subsidiary of Dedagroup ICT Network, located in Trento, Italy. The company supports IT and digital operations in grocery, fashion and financial institutions,...

di Alberto Onetti Lo scorso giovedì, a Trento, a margine del Mind the Bridge Summer Boot Camp 2013 (per la cronaca di Summer c'era solo il nome del programma, visto che sono piovuti "cats and dogs"), abbiamo discusso insieme a Marco Marinucci, Managing Partner di Mind the Seed Fund, e Charles Versaggi, Direttore della Mind the Bridge Startup Schoo...

by Paddy Agnew   If you know Italy at all, you will know that the Italian university system does not always enjoy a good press. At best, the average Italian student's third-level experience tends to make Ulysses' wanderings and occasional encounters with one-eyed monsters look like a relative dawdle. Huge student numbers (there are approxim...

by Chiara Bussi   Doing business in Sardinia and Sicily is like riding on a rocky road, while Trentino Alto-Adige is the ideal environment, according to the Index of Entrepreneurial Distress 2015 created by the Fondazione Impresa based on a mix of 12 indicators.   Piedmont, Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna register, on the other hand, a med...

di Alessandro Gazzera   Nel paese che eternamente rimane legato al calcio la domenica, allo sci nella stagione invernale e al ciclismo con il suo Giro d'Italia c'è spazio anche per uno sport americano: l'hockey su ghiaccio.   È il 1908 quando a Torino si gioca la prima partita di hockey su ghiaccio, tra il CP Valentino Torino e la sec...

di Alessandro Papayannidis   Diecimila tonnellate di mele stoccate nel cuore della montagna, sotto 275 metri di roccia al termine di una galleria lunga 800 metri. Roccia antica: il giacimento di Dolomia è datato tra i 130 e i 190 milioni di anni fa, nel Giurassico. All'epoca il Trentino era una enorme scogliera marina, oggi invece è la sede...

by Claudia Astarita   The three Corno del Renon (Bolzano) ski facilities have opened on December 13th. They have easy slopes, never crowded and with family friendly prices. They offer different activities and options, for the youngest and the eldest within an amazing natural scenario.   Surrounded by an astonishing view on the Dolomit...

The Ladin Carnevale of Val di Fassa has already begun this year, having kicked off on January 17th (the Feast Day of Sant'Antonio Abate, Patron Saint of Alba di Canazei).   In Fassa, where "carnascèr" (Carnival) is the perculiar expression of local culture, in which irony and irreverence are the main ingredients of every Carnivalesque event....

As spring arrives in Val di Non, the Valley in Trentino Alto Adige turns white anew, with thousands of of hectares of cultivated apple blossoms creating the effect of snow. Only Val di Non can offer such a unique showing of beauty. And what better way to celebrate the colors and fragrances in the air with Aprile Dolce Fiorire ("Sweet April Bl...