The Horti Leonini in San Quirico d'Orcia, Tuscany, are home to a sculpture representing the head of Janus Bifrons, the Roman god of passages, from homes' thresholds to pivotal moments in history.   In the late 16th-century park, the statue dedicated to the ancient pagan deity is placed at the border between the "wild" area and the well-groom...

Cannara, Italy, and Walla Walla hope to become sister cities. A friendship-pact signing ceremony will take place Tuesday 10:45 a.m. at City Hall, 15 N. Third Ave. The push for sisterhood with Cannara came from Walla Walla onion growers and Council member Jim Barrow, who recently toured Cannara. Signing for Cannara will be Antonio Baldaccini, a busi...

"The Other Italy" Lecture Series and Wine Tasting"Sicily"February 24,"Umbria,"March 34:00 PMHilary's in Horrigan Hall, Bellarmine University$15 members, $20 guests per dateReserve your spot by calling 502.938.8830 or by clicking on the event link under "Upcoming Events".With the publication of Frances Mayes' best-seller Under the Tuscan Sun, Americ...

Si è svolta il 17 settembre 2013 la cerimonia di rinnovo dell'accordo di gemellaggio tra le città di Grand Rapids e Perugia, che quest'anno compie vent'anni, alla presenza del sindaco di Grand Rapids George K. Heartwell e dell'Assessore allo sviluppo economico e al turismo Giuseppe Lomurno. Il giorno seguente ha avuto luogo una 'luncheon ceremony'...

  WTI Magazine #68    2015 September, 18Author : Italian Botanical Heritage      Translation by:   The Garden of Aquatic Plants, also called Porcinai Pool, is located on the island Polvese in the protected area of the Park of the Trasimeno, Umbria. It was built in the late 50s of the twentieth century, commissioned by Count Giannino Citterio, ow...

Promuovere la candidatura di Urbino a capitale Europea della cultura 2019 e diffondere la conoscenza del suo patrimonio artistico-culturale. Con questi obiettivi la regione Marche, la citta' e la Soprintendenza di Urbino, in collaborazione con l'Istituto Italiano di Cultura di New York promuovono un'esposizione straordinaria della Santa Caterina d'...