by Barbara Ganz   Samsung and Venetian Heritage Foundation will provide €600,000 for the construction of the "Nuovi Grandi Gallerie" (New Large Galleries) at the Gallerie dell'Accademia in Venice. The new galleries will be located in the ground floor of the Accademia building and will showcase artwork that has never been exhibited to the pub...

L'Istituto Italiano di Cultura di New York ha ospitato la conferenza di presentazione alla stampa e al pubblico statunitense della 55esima Biennale Internazionale d'Arte di Venezia, in programma dal primo giugno al 24 novembre 2013. La conferenza, preceduta da un indirizzo di saluto al pubblico da parte del Direttore dell'Istituto, Prof. Riccardo...

by Chiara Beghelli   After the end of the Republic of Venice, conquered by Napoleon in 1797, luxurious villas owned by the city's wealthy aristocrats in the hinterland of Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia fell into disrepair.   It was not until the 1950s that an exhibition brought their dilapidated state of disrepair to national attent...

By Luisa Taliento   New places of encounter, contemplation and peace, where you can enjoy experiences without conflict, because the stars here aren't people but plants. The concept behind the success of horticultural travel couldn't be simpler, and in Great Britain it inspires one person out of three to take a trip.   This is a type o...

May 16 10:30 am — 12:30 pmWestchester Italian Cultural CenterOne Generoso Pope Place , Tuckahoe , NY 10707 United States La Serenissima: Venetian Islands: Murano, Burano, Torcello, and San MicheleThe outer islands of Venice are fascinating, each is so different and has its unique history. Torcello, the oldest of the lagoon's island, Murano, famous...

by Rick Steves   Even when it's hot, crowded, or on strike, Italy is lots of fun. More than any other Western European country, though, travelers to Italy need up-to-date information to travel smart, saving both time and money. Here are a few updates to help you make the most of Italy in 2014:   Florence is notorious for long lines at...

Eighteen years after first visiting Venice, Locktov still remembers the moment: "When I first stepped foot on Venetian soil I had this overwhelming feeling of falling in love with a place on earth, which took me by surprise. "I loved it like a living, breathing entity."   The American publicist thereafter made sure she kept coming back,...

by Gina Mussio   Italy is on everyone's bucket list, but it's a long way for many to travel and the country is so jam-packed with spectacular sites and amazing things to do that choosing what to do in Italy on a two week vacation is nearly impossible.   Don't worry, we've got your back. We've combed through our extensive archives, tal...

by Kathryn Bromwich   Sightseeing usually revolves around buildings, parks and sprawling vistas, but when German photographer Sebastian Erras was in Marrakech a few months ago, he turned his gaze downwards to the mosaic floors. Once back in Paris, where he lives, he started photographing the floors there: "I had no idea there was such a vari...

di Maurita Cardone   Con l'Italia ancora in una crisi di cui solo il forzato ottimismo della politica vede una prossima fine, sono sempre di più le aziende e le istituzioni che guardano all'estero. E gli USA e New York sono in cima alla lista dell'appetibilità dei mercati esteri, soprattutto per il made in Italy di qualità che da questa pa...