Thanks to the determination and enthusiasm of nineteen of the most important Italian wineries, the "Institute of Fine Italian Wines – Premium Brands" has become a master in commercialising while promoting the culture of Italian high quality wine all over the world.   Italian wine is globally considered a synonymous for quality and style, and...

In un'ottica di rafforzamento sul territorio, l'American Chamber of Commerce in Italy, guidata dal Consigliere Delegato Simone Crolla, ha nominato quattro nuovi rappresentanti locali.   Davide Cefis, Partner per la sede Roma di Eric Salmon & Partners - si legge in una nota - e' il nuovo rappresentante per la citta' di Roma. Per la citta'...

Italy has a rich history of art in many forms from architecture to painting. Eleven Western Michigan University students were given the opportunity to create their own art in Italy through the Kalamazoo Book Arts Center and the Haenicke Institute for Global Education. Kalamazoo Book Arts Center director Jeff Abshear was joined by Elise Bobian, Ash...

Il mondo del vino per quattro giorni si dà appuntamento a Verona con la 48ª edizione di Vinitaly. Aperto ieri dal ministro delle politiche agricole alimentari e forestali, Maurizio Martina, il più importante Salone internazionale dedicato a vini e distillati rappresenta un comparto che in Italia vale oltre 12 miliardi di euro, impiega 1,2 milioni d...

Russia, Brasile, Stati Uniti Area Centrale: sono questi i primi tre mercati su cui punteranno gli espositori di Vinitaly per aumentare il loro export. Emerge dal primo Outlook di wine2wine – L'Osservatorio b2b di Vinitaly, presentato oggi a Veronafiere.   Una raccolta di informazioni interessanti, ma soprattutto con un punto di vista origina...

  WTI Magazine #54    2015 February, 20Author :      Translation by:   Italy is the birthplace of opera, and of numerous worldwide known and loved composers: Paganini, Rossini, Donizetti, Verdi, Puccini, Mascagni, Monteverdi, Salieri, Tartini, Vivaldi, and so on. No less numerous are the international composers that have been inspired...

When traveling to Italy, there are many great cities to choose from. Everyone knows about Rome, and many have seen its splendors through the eyes of Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday. Fashion lovers will find the catwalks and shops of Milan to be inspiring. Those who love romance often head for Venice.   The architecture lovers head for Floren...

by Chiara Beghelli   After the end of the Republic of Venice, conquered by Napoleon in 1797, luxurious villas owned by the city's wealthy aristocrats in the hinterland of Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia fell into disrepair.   It was not until the 1950s that an exhibition brought their dilapidated state of disrepair to national attent...

Le eccellenze dell'agroalimentare italiano tornano protagoniste a Sol&Agrifood. Il salone internazionale di Veronafiere, dal 10 al 13 aprile, in contemporanea a Vinitaly, propone le migliori produzioni made in Italy nel campo dell'olio extravergine di oliva, ma non solo: paste e prodotti da forno, birre artigianali, formaggi, cioccolata, caffè,...

The 8th edition of the annual American Cancer Society's "Taste of Hope" fundraiser in New York is again supported by Italy's finest wines on May 2nd. Vinitaly International renews its commitment to the important cause of the American Cancer Society (ACS), whilst realizing one of New York's top charity events this year at 82 Mercer (82, Mercer Stree...