Mark your calendar for the San Gennaro Festival in Seattle on September 11th-13th @ 1225 S Angelo St, Seattle, WA 98108. The festival is like an Italian street fair. It will be a fun filled event with plenty of entertainment, great food, and interesting exhibits. Free entrance! Il Punto! will be there as well with a booth. Please...
READ MOREAs the second program of their 2012/13 season, City Ayre: Music of City, Court, and Countryside, the Folger Consort visits Toscana's capital. Hear stirring laude performed along with cheerful dances and polyphonic works of 14th century Florence and Northern Italy in joyous celebration of the season. With vocal ensemble TRIO EOS and guest instrume...
READ MORELeonardo da Vinci created masterpieces of art and sculpture. Equally remarkable, his aggregate achievements in engineering, mathematics, anatomy, geology, physics, music, military technology, aeronautics, and a wide range of other fields, not only stood without peer in his own time, but were strikingly prescient for the distant future. He...
READ MORELa National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) è una fondazione, interamente sostenuta da finanziamenti privati, con una missione ben precisa: mantenere viva la conoscenza della cultura e della società italiana nei giovani di seconda, terza, quarta, quinta generazione che hanno origini nel Belpaese. Ha sede a Washington DC, città in cui fu fondata...
READ MOREProssima fermata: l'Italia. Fotografia e poesia italiane sono in mostra alla Phillips Collection di Washington, prestigioso museo aperto nel 1921, primo dedicato all'arte moderna negli Stati Uniti. I visitatori che vi si recheranno fino al 28 aprile saranno accolti da Next Stop: Italy, mostra allestita in collaborazione con l'Ambasciata d'Italia a...
READ MOREINDIANAPOLIS – Retired Indiana National Guard Maj. Gen. Dave Harris was presented with the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, Jan. 18 in Washington for his work with the Italian government in 2009 and 2010. While assigned as the Kosovo Force chief of staff, Harris was instrumental in reforming political and military relationships between KFOR...
READ MOREFollowing the messy departure last month of Osteria Elisir's chef de cuisine and general manager, the modernist-minded Enzo Fargione has found his next kitchen leader in an unexpected place: the downtown location of Chef Geoff's, part of the family-friendly American chain owned by Geoff Tracy. Tom Crenshaw, a Midwesterner who served as executive c...
READ MOREEF Foundation for Foreign Study, the leader in high school exchange, will welcome 40 students from Italy this January. The students will be staying with host families while attending local high schools for Spring semester. EF Italian students come here to improve their English and experience American culture. A group of 300 Italian student...
READ MORETwo of Washington D.C.'s most respected chefs are using their global expertise and connections to better cross cultural relations through food and dining. Recently named "the next big thing" in the culinary world by Elle Spain, award-winning culinary duo Amy Riolo and Luigi Diotaiuti are known for telling the whole story behind food and reclaiming...
READ MOREBOCCACCIO IN WASHINGTON DC CONFERENCE DATES: OCTOBER 4 - 6, 2013 An international, interdisciplinary conference on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of Boccaccio's birth, to be held at Georgetown University and the Italian Embassy. We invite proposals for papers or panels on Boccaccio's life, thoughts and works (in English or Italian). Abst...