WTI Magazine #70    2015 October, 16Author : Umberto Mucci      Translation by:   Ciao from the East Coast! Welcome to the 70th issue of our online magazine. We've been in New York, where we attended the Columbus Day Parade: a big wave of energy, Italian pride and passion of Italy that every year gives us an incredible strength and confirms to...

Washington DC (15/11/2012) – L'Ambasciata d'Italia a Washington e l'ospedale psichiatrico St Elizabeth ospitano per due giorni un simposio scientifico dal titolo "Salute mentale, una priorità negletta". Obiettivo del seminario, che si inserisce nelle attività di cooperazione in campo medico tra Italia e Stati Uniti, e' quello di rafforzare le colla...

Sunday, October 13, 2013   Lecturers Laura Benedetti (Georgetown University) and Peter Lukehart (National Gallery of Art CASVA) will present Torquato Tasso's poem Jerusalem Delivered and the works of art it inspired. The National Gallery of Art Vocal Ensemble with Rosa Lamoreaux, artistic director, soprano and the National Gallery of Art Cha...

Constantino Brumidi (1805–1880) is best known for the murals he painted in the United States Capitol over a 25-year period, including the Apotheosis of Washington, the Frieze of American History and the walls of the Brumidi Corridors. His artistic vision was based on the wall paintings of ancient Rome and Pompeii and on the classical revivals that...

The Department of Italian at Georgetown University together with the Italian Embassy and the Italian Cultural Institute in Washington D.C. invites proposals for a conference titled Teaching Italian Culture. The one-day conference will take place on October 19th 2013 during the Italian Language Week as part of a series of events celebrating the Year...

By Charles T. Downey The narrators of songs can be such complainers. Luca Pisaroni's recital Friday night, presented by Vocal Arts D.C. at the Kennedy Center Terrace Theater, brought together a program of songs, half in Italian and half in German and all dramatic.   The nature of the music can make the words seem more or less sincere, but t...

L'Ambasciata d'Italia negli Stati Uniti ha ospitato il 20 gennaio, un seminario online (webinar) che ha consentito a giovani innovatori italiani di presentare le proprie start-up ad un selezionato gruppo di potenziali investitori americani.   Fondi di venture capital, business angels ed esperti di nuove tecnologie hanno esaminato progetti az...

Date: Thursday, May 21, 2015 Time: 6:30PM Venue: Embassy of Italy: 3000 Whitehaven Street NW - Washington, DCaven Street NW - Washington, DC Organized by: Embassy of Italy, Italian Cultural Institute - IACC Italia In collaboration with: SPD Scuola Politecnica di Design The Embassy of Italy and the Italian Cultural Institute present Massimo Cai...

Movie screening, presented on the occasion of The Washington, DC International Design Festival and in conjunction with The Next Wave: Industrial Design Innovation in the 21st Century. Among the world's most influential designers, Italian-born Lella and Massimo Vignelli have created signage and maps for New York's subway, the interior of Saint Pete...

Per un'intera settimana il Morellino di Scansano, il rosso fresco e corposo DOCG, tipica etichetta della provincia di Grosseto, in Maremma, sarà protagonista di un Tour ricco di eventi e, naturalmente, di degustazioni per gli appassionati d'oltreoceano. Un programma che, dal 5 al 10 maggio, a New York City e a Washington, prevede workshop e semina...