On September 19th, 2023, my partner Michael and I departed from Boston to Rome for a three-month trip to Europe. How did we get to this point in our lives where we could drop all responsibility and go? I call this our “semester abroad”. If the college kids do it, why can’t two adults in their early 60’s? We planned and embarked on an amazing journe...
READ MORETo encourage, support and develop entrepreneurial relationships between Italy and its best innovative realities with the Boston ecosystem. This is the goal at the base of the agreement signed between Entopan Innovation, an incubator/accelerator and open innovation hub based in Catanzaro, and 42N Advisors, B-Corp that aims to support Italian compani...
READ MORELa pandemia da Coronavirus ha peggiorato drasticamente la situazione economica del mondo del calcio. Casse prosciugate e risorse economiche risicate: diverse società sono sull’orlo del baratro e serve un intervento netto per salvarle da un futuro sempre più incerto. Un aiuto potrebbe arrivare da investitori esteri pronti ad entrare nel calcio itali...
READ MOREThe Province of Catanzaro is bordered by Cosenza in the north, Crotone in the northeast, Reggio Calabria in the south and Vibo Valentia in the southwest. It was once the largest province in Calabria until the 1990s when its territory was divided to form the new provinces of Vibo Valentia and Crotone. The province currently has 76 municipalities and...
READ MORE“Nel corso di questi anni l’internazionalizzazione delle produzioni calabresi, a partire dall’agroalimentare e non solo, ha registrato un costante aumento con importanti risultati. C’è una tendenza alla crescita delle esportazioni dei nostri prodotti e alla presenza delle nostre imprese sui mercati esteri che è frutto di una serie di iniziative che...
READ MOREFive-hundred-thousand hectares of highly-singular natural riches: the Sila Plateau expands over parts of the Provinces of Cosenza, Crotone and Catanzaro. Natural and scenic endowments where the diversity of landscapes, the variety of plant and animal species, and the beauty of all of Sila attest to the importance of the Sila National Park and of th...