"A LITTLE FELLOW: The Legacy of A.P. Giannini" by Davide Fiore has been awarded the Best International Docufilm at the Coliseum International Film Festival 2024 in Rome. Director Davide Fiore, , now residing in Los Angeles, returned to Italy to present the world premiere of his documentary and to accept the prestigious award. Directed by Davide Fio...

Tuesday October 08 2024, 18:30 to 20:00 (Local time). Vogue Theater, 3290 Sacramento St, San Francisco, CA. On the occasion of Italian Heritage Month, the Consulate General of Italy and the Italian Cultural Institute of San Francisco present: A LITTLE FELLOW. The Legacy of A.P. Giannini. Director Davide Fiore will be in attendance and introduce his...

Presso il Museo Italo Americano e’ stato presentato il trailer e una parte del documentario su Amedeo Giannini ( fondatore della Bank of America) “A little fellow”. Il regista Davide Fiore, la produttrice Sasha Smith insieme al Console Generale Lorenzo Ortona hanno raccontato l’incredibile vita di Giannini, figlio di emigrati italiani e nativo dell...