Gathering Italian and Italian-American women to tell their stories, the Italian Consulate of New York set up an in-person event on Monday 13th of December. Hosted by the Consul General Fabrizio Di Michele and moderated by journalist/correspondent Maria Luisa Rossi Hawkins, guests Natalia Bergamaschi, Jodi Pulice and Adriana Trigiani were all invite...

The Italian Welfare League, a non-profit dedicated to helping Italian-American children with serious health conditions or disabilities will celebrate its 100 year anniversary this fall. The organization will host a Luncheon on Saturday, November 6, 2021 at the Metropolitan Club in New York City to pay tribute to its history of providing services to...

Francesca Alderisi, senatrice di Forza Italia eletta nella ripartizione estera Nord e Centro America, ha partecipato al gala di beneficienza che apre le celebrazioni del Columbus Day a New York. “Dopo tanto tempo, emozionata di essere di nuovo qui a questo importante appuntamento”, ha dichiarato la parlamentare a margine dell’evento. In una nota, p...

Well, here’s something you don’t see everyday in TV news land: Fox News/FBN’s Maria Bartiromo was knighted by the Italian government on Thursday – receiving the Order of Merit, Italy’s highest-ranking honor, which is granted for merit acquired by the nation “for long and conspicuous service in civilian and military careers.” Bartiromo discussed it...

The legacy of Dante Alighieri (1265–1321) was commemorated on September 14, the date in 1321 of his death, with two major events in New York, continuing the celebrations of Dante 700. The sun shone brightly on Dante’s image at Lincoln Center in New York City for the rededication of the conserved larger-than-life-sized bronze sculpture by Ettore Xim...

The Italian Heritage and Culture Committee of New York, Inc. (IHCC-NY) celebrated the accomplishments of Deputy Consul General of Italy Silvia Limoncini in a ceremony at the Mother Italy Statue on the Hunter College Campus at Pose Park, New York City, in July.  Comm. Joseph Sciame, President/Chair of the IHCC-NY, Inc., expressed congratulatory rema...

The dinner was preceded by a video sent to all the members of the Accademia Italiana della Cucina and guests, from a restaurateur/friend of Philip Guardione, Giovanni Ardizzone, owner of  “Da Nino,”  in the town of Letojanni, located next to Taormina. Ardizzone shared some typical Sicilian dishes and showed admiration for his friend who has brought...

Da circa un quarto di Secolo, ogni quattro-cinque anni, varchiamo il portone del palazzetto signorile che a Park Avenue ospita il Consolato Generale di New York, per intervistare il nuovo “generale in capo” da poco arrivato. Prima per America Oggi, da otto anni per La Voce di New York, di consoli generali ne abbiamo visti  tanti, tutti accoglienti,...

Tuesday, April 27, 11:00am. Town Hall Meeting with the newly appointed Consul General of Italy in New York, Fabrizio Di Michele. During this session IACC President Alberto Milani will welcome the new consul to New York's Italian business community and discuss ongoing initiatives, programs, and projects scheduled for the calendar year. Participants...

“Dopo un anno lungo e sfidante in cui ho voluto garantire la mia costante presenza in Senato nei momenti più delicati della pandemia, con grande emozione riprendo finalmente gli incontri nella ripartizione in cui sono stata eletta. Nel pieno rispetto delle normative vigenti, ricomincio dagli Stati Uniti, Paese in cui la nostra comunità è storicamen...