Experience the Paranormal Investigation of The Italian Club (1731 E 7th Ave) in Ybor City, a captivating journey into the eerie past of this historic site. Award-winning guides and paranormal investigation teams lead guests through 90 minutes of chilling tales and immersive exploration, utilizing state-of-the-art ghost-hunting equipment. The event...

Dr. Davide Tanasi, a professor in the Department of History and the director of the College of Arts and Sciences’ Institute of Digital Exploration (IDEx), presented a three-part lecture series on his research into ancient Sicily at The Italian Club of Tampa located in Ybor City. The sold-out event sought to reinvigorate the cultural legacy of the c...

Saturday April 15th & Sunday April 16th. Our Festa Italiana Weekend events – Bocce & Bellinis and Winefest of Italy will be returning to the Ybor City district in April 2023. We are extremely grateful for all the years of loyal support and look forward to continuing the celebration of Italian culture and heritage in Tampa Bay with you this year. Fe...

Friday, October 7th – 530pm cocktails, 630pm dinner & show. Italian Club Of Tampa - 1731 E 7th Ave Tampa, Florida. Tickets are available for purchase by CLICKING HERE! Join us as we welcome back national recording artist, Sal “The Voice” Valentinetti, for BELLA NOTTE, a cabaret style dinner show. Guests will enjoy a cocktail hour in our Club’s Cant...

It’s time to celebrate with the Italian Club of Tampa in Historic Ybor City. The organization announced the spirited showcase known as Wine Fest of Italy will take place on April 24 at The Italian Club of Tampa (1731 E 7th Avenue). Wine Fest will represent Italy’s vast wine regions. A selection of wines from California’s regions will also be availa...

The L’Unione Italiana Cemetery is filled with a rich, cultural history unlike any other, with hundreds of visitors to the property each year. For decades, our Veterans Memorial Rotunda, located along the southern edge of the property, has stood to honor the countless men and women who have served our country since its construction in 1949. Dedicate...

The Italian Club of Tampa would like to recognize and congratulate Italian Club Member & Past President - Joe Capitano, Sr. on receiving The 2019 Luminaries Award from The Junior League of Tampa. Please take a moment and watch the video included. The Junior League of Tampa and WEDU PBS present The Luminaries - an annual recognition program to showc...

Sunday, December 9th at 11:00am. 1731 E. 7th Avenue, Tampa, FL 33605. Click Here To RSVP! No Charge To Attend. Open to the public. Join us as the Italian Club of Tampa closes their 100 Year Celebrations with a traditional Catholic Mass and Blessing of the Building Ceremony, along with the crowning of our new Santa Lucia. Father Angel Rivera-Fals SJ...

The Italian Club — specifically, the opulent, 22,000-square-foot brick clubhouse it is known for at 1731 E. Seventh Ave. — turned 100 in September. But with an opera to host that month and a wine festival in October, members of the thriving social club didn’t get around to celebrating until Saturday, with a with a gala that drew 300 people. A Mass...

Dear Members, Friends, Families, and Supporters, as many of you know, the Italian Club of Tampa is celebrating 100 Years in our current building with a series of events in the coming months. In an era of modernization, the Italian Club Building has stood the test of time and we remain a cornerstone of Ybor City, just as we were when our doors first...