What if your favorite Italian desserts could be given an American twist without losing their authentic charm? Join us on a culinary voyage as we explore the tantalizing fusion of Italian and American baking traditions, from nostalgic Sicilian pastries to the beloved rainbow cookies that have become a staple across diverse cultural settings. We’ll a...

"My Italy Story," written by Joseph Gallo, starring Michael Notardonato, is a nostalgic exploration of family, heritage and the ties that bind us. Spurred by pleas to help reunite his fractured family, a young man quits his job as a New York account executive and travels to Vallata — the tiny Italian town of his ancestors. Not until he returns home...

Join us as we sit down with Zia Mena, a cherished friend and neighbor, who paints a vivid picture of traditional Italian wedding customs and rural life in Vadola. Her reminiscences offer a window into a simpler time when love meant waiting for a husband to return from America and weddings were intimate affairs marked by cultural nuances. We delve i...

Vanessa Racci, the beloved jazzy Italian, takes center stage as we paint vivid portraits of Italian American music icons Bobby Darin and Connie Francis. Our heart beats with excitement as Vanessa unveils her latest passion project, “Forbidden Love,” a mini musical poised to captivate audiences with its debut at Yorktown Stage in Westchester, New Yo...

Join us in this lively episode of the Italian American Podcast as we welcome special guests from Boston, two brothers and their sister, who share their expertise on Italian feasts and the fascinating blend of their Irish and Italian heritage. Listen in as we prepare for the iconic Festa delle Tutte Feste, San Gennaro, and explore the strategic, and...

Whether you believe in destiny or not, it’s undeniable that serendipity played a role in how Matt Cozzi ended up as the co-host of the podcast “Locked On Cubs.” Cozzi and his friend Sam Olbur started the job in July 2022 as the fourth hosts in the history of the podcast, which altogether numbers more than 1,100 episodes. Their show has been very su...

Dear friends, September is always a month full of events and activities, but never before has We the Italians been as busy as this year when returning from summer vacations, although as you know, we never stop. As you know, we are partners in a particularly important traveling event. It's called Salerno-Verona, History of the American Fifth Army in...

September 2024 Studying in Italy, a life-changing experience for 40,000 American students each year

August 2024 Fostering Made in Italy in Georgia, the Peach State: meet Nicola Vidali

July 2024 Three Flags, One Heart