Emma Covelli supported her family by making things that roll off the tongue like music: rigatoni, cavatelli, pastina, tortellini, capellini, ziti, linguine, rotini, farfalle and mostaccioli. A longtime employee at Cicero Macaroni Company, she died Dec. 26 at 100. Asked for the key to her longevity, her son Luigi said, “Her secret was olive oil.” Sh...

There’s no way around it: Italians like it short and sweet. No matter whether consumed at the kitchen table or propped up against the counter of a local bar, the quintessential Italian breakfast consists of nothing more than a quick snack laden with sugar and caffeine. I say snack, as it’s certainly not a meal, neither in terms of quantity nor in t...

It's a well-deserved honor for one of the world's most-accomplished actresses. Monica Bellucci was the center of attention as she was honored Wednesday at the Harmony Gold theater in Los Angeles, in a dual effort from the Filming on Italy festival and the Italian Institute of Culture Los Angeles Creativity Awards, Variety reported. The 53-year-old...

La prima destinazione americana fu la California, nel 2012, quando su suggerimento di quella che sarebbe diventata sua moglie si trasferì a studiare alla UCLA (University of California Los Angeles). Dopodiché, il maestro Gabriele Ciampi si è egregiamente ambientato sul suolo americano, al punto da rimanere a vivere sulla Costa Ovest. Non ama però d...

It looks like Christopher Columbus can stay put. For now. Earlier this month, New York City’s Advisory Commission on City Art, Monuments, and Markers announced that the 76-foot monument to Columbus can remain at the traffic circle at the southwest corner of Central Park, despite protests from groups claiming to speak for Native Americans. For both...

As with most NFL coaches John DeFilippo’s road to Super Bowl LII began on a bus. The coach’s life is a peripatetic one. If you don’t like to pack and unpack choose another profession. DeFilippo was well aware of this long before he first boarded a bus in Harrisonburg, Va., in the spring of 2000, riding for seven hours to the Bronx to study film of...

As if Olive Garden hadn’t already pissed off enough grandmas from the old country, the chain is now serving some sort of Italian nachos monstrosity. The new dish is officially known as “loaded pasta chips,” and it’s comprised of fried lasagna pieces topped with mozzarella and parmesan cheese; meat sauce containing chicken, meatballs, and sausage; c...

An inventive fruit tree researcher has joined the University of Florida Indian River Research and Education Center. Lorenzo Rossi is the center’s first-ever root biology professor and will support the university’s statewide Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences’ commitment to restore Florida’s $9 billion citrus industry. “Healthy roots are es...

ECCE presents Italian/American showcasing premieres and works from Elliott Carter, John Aylward, Clara Iannatta, and Salvatore Sciarrino conducted by Nicholas DeMaison. Taking place on Saturday, February 17th at 7:30pm at The DiMenna Center for Classical Music, the program features Elliott Carter's classic Triple Duo, Clara Iannata's Limun, Salvato...

American consumers are learning about Italian olive oil and the multiple ways to use it in the kitchen, said the general manager of Bono USA, a Sicilian manufacturer and importer of certified extra virgin olive oil. I believe there is growth in consumption because there is growth in knowledge, said Salvatore Russo Tiesi in this interview with Itali...

Katherine S. reached out to us on Facebook to suggest Bella Pizza in Hillcrest. She must really enjoy it as her post was in all-caps and even included some pizza emojis. And, Codie on Facebook enthusiastically entered Bella as well in all caps. Our Mike Tanzini stops by the small-town pizza shop that creates big time flavor. "I started off washing...

Il wrestling è anche donna e regala emozioni a tantissimi fan. Da Jefferson nel New Jersey arriva l’italo-americana Deonna Purrazzo che ha voluto raccontarci la sua carriera tra Impact Wrestling, WWE e ROH in cui ha difeso con orgoglio anche le sue origini italiane. Ciao Deonna, raccontaci come vanno le cose sul Pianeta Purrazzo. Proprio adesso mi...