One of Little Italy’s longest-operating restaurants was damaged on Saturday by an early-morning fire that seriously injured two people and left 11 others with minor injuries, the New York City Fire Department said. Angelo’s of Mulberry St., at 146 Mulberry St., has served Neapolitan cuisine since 1902, according to its website. Photographs show tha...

Tuesday evening, I joined my friends at Norma Gastronomia Siciliana (438 3rd Ave.) in Kips Bay, Manhattan for a joint Martedì Grasso (Fat Tuesday) and Jurnata d''a Memoria (Remembrance Day) dinner. Looking to eat our fill before our Lenten fast, as well as honor the men and women who fought and died defending our ancestral homeland during the north...

Da quanti anni e perché vive all’estero? Perché ha deciso di candidarsi e perché con questa lista?  “Vivo in NJ da 25 anni. Tanta dedizione alla comunità ed un pizzico di ambizione”.   Quale considera il problema più immediato dell’Italia e come si dovrebbe affrontare? “La disoccupazione e il problema dell’immigrazione. Investimenti e tagli finalme...

Per quasi 6 italiani su 10 (58%) la pasta è il vero simbolo del Made in Italy nel mondo, seguita dall’olio extravergine d’oliva (19%) e dal vino (18%). È quanto emerso da un sondaggio Coldiretti/Ixè pubblicato nella settimana in cui sono entrati in vigore i due decreti interministeriali sull’indicazione dell’origine obbligatoria del riso e del gran...

Domenica 18 febbraio 2018, in occasione del Gladiatori Day a Castel Giorgio (TR) presso lo stadio “Vince Lombardi” e il MUFA - Museo del Football Americano, verrà presentato il libro di Fausto Batella "GLADIATORI ROMA 1973 – 2013. 40 anni di football americano". Un volume di grande formato (cm. 21 x 29,7) di oltre 200 pagine e più di 150 illustrazi...

Ciao from Rome, Let's celebrate!! This is the 100th issue of our magazine. I can't believe it! It seems yesterday, and yet it was October 2013, when we had the idea of having articles written for us, in English, regarding some Italian excellences. There was no flipping book magazine back then, the articles were published in a brand new section of o...

Among the many attractions of perhaps the world’s most beloved Italian region, Tuscany, the Carnival of Viareggio deserves a place of honor: it is one of the most important and appreciated carnivals internationally, one in which thousands of people – tourists and Italians alike – participate every year.

Octopus and fennel salad is a typical Mediterranean dish, rich in flavor and nutrients. It can be either a delicious starter or a light lunch – in the latter case the portion should be larger. This salad is not only just beautiful and tasty, but it is also delightfully healthy. Octopus is a low-calorie and lean seafood, rich in protein, minerals (i...

The traditional activity of the hat district is concentrated around the Marche region and more specifically in the towns of Montappone and Massa Fermana.It began in 1300 when hats were used exclusively for farming activities. Grain harvesting produced straw, which was then braided to be used as a raw material for making “straw hats”.

"Finally we saw the lovely beach of Tremezzina, whose charming valleys enjoy the same climate as Rome. Those who live in Milan and suffer the cold, in fact, come here to spend the winter; there are more and more buildings on the green hills which are reflected in the lake. They can’t be called “Palaces”, but it is not enough to define them as just...

A series of mysteries animate the life of Venice in the recent months. The first is rooted in the myth of Venice's history: it is the third column of Piazzetta di San Marco.

General elections are approaching, and Italians must choose. But choose who? Here’s a short bio for every wannabe Presidente del Consiglio on the battlefield*, written by a very evil analyst.