Bolzano, nestled in the heart of South Tyrol, Italy, is renowned for its enchanting Christmas celebrations, blending Italian charm with Austrian traditions. Known as the Christmas capital of Italy, the city comes alive during the festive season, offering a magical experience for visitors from around the globe. The Bolzano Christmas Market is a high...
The 2025 Jubilee marks a significant spiritual event for the Catholic Church, centered around the symbolic opening of the Holy Doors in Rome's four major papal basilicas. Each door represents a passage to divine grace and renewal, drawing millions of pilgrims worldwide. Rome's four papal basilicas, with their rich history and spiritual importance,...
Francesca Casazza, the CEO of the Italian Cultural Society of Washington D.C. joined Good Morning Washington to discuss the vibrant cultural experiences ICS offers to the community. "Our mission is to enhance the appreciation and knowledge of Italian Arts, Culture, and Language," shared the CEO. "We strive to create opportunities for everyone to ex...
Eric Asimov has once again compiled his personal list of the year’s most memorable wines for the New York Times. This is not a list of prestigious names, iconic labels, or unforgettable vintages—although, as Asimov notes, “those often stay in memory and serve as reference points for beauty.” Instead, the common thread of this year’s selection is a...
It sounds like La Spiaggia Ristorante has a fan for life in Cal O’Brien. With reviews like his, it’s clear the restaurant will add more loyal customers like him. “My wife and I agree this is the best Italian food we’ve had outside of Italy,” O’Brien said. “It’s on par with anything we ate in Venice.” O’Brien, a longtime Harborite, has been to La Sp...
Italian neorealism was a hugely influential film movement that emerged in the aftermath of World War II. Rooted in the economic and social struggles of that era, neorealism sought to portray the harsh realities of everyday life, often focusing on the working class. The watchword for the movement was authenticity. Stylistically, these filmmakers aim...
Vermiglio is one of those great films that's hard to fully capture in writing, because it is and does so many things. It won the Grand Jury Prize at the 2024 Venice Film Festival (essentially second place) and is gaining steam as Italy's submission to the Oscars, which paints one picture. It's an indie box office hit in its own country, which paint...
Russo’s New York Pizzeria, the authentic New York-style Italian kitchen, expands with a new location at 4537 S Power Rd #101, Mesa, AZ 85212, bringing classic Italian flavors to the community. The new location serves giant pizza by the slice alongside Chef Russo’s family recipes, including fresh homemade lasagna, baked ziti, fettuccine Alfredo, spa...
Thinking of the Aosta Valley is recall an image of iconic mountains, alpine tourism and outdoor activities: but this vision would be incomplete without all that represents the enormous historical and cultural heritage of this region, in which traditional crafts represent a real flagship. Who does not know the traditional Fiera di Sant'Orso in Aosta...
Carnival Cruise Line now has a record-setting five ships based at Port Canaveral, with the deployment Wednesday of the Carnival Venezia there. The Venezia is offering a seasonal series of cruises out of Port Canaveral to various destinations throughout the Bahamas, the Caribbean and Mexico. It has a capacity of 4,090 passengers and a crew of 1,424....
Italy’s fashion scene is internationally renowned for its elegance and timeless sophistication. While Milan and Rome often take centre stage, there are lesser-known corners of the country where unique craftsmanship and centuries-old traditions continue to shape the industry. From the leatherworking ateliers of Tuscany to the silk-weaving workshops...
Nearly 30% of Long Island’s population is Italian-American — and there’s a good chance all of them know Uncle Giuseppe’s Marketplace. Uncle Giuseppe’s has been a staple specialty grocer on Long Island since 1998 and, over the past 25-plus years, has opened 11 stores in the greater New York and New Jersey areas with a 12th reportedly slated to open...