Author Gerardo Perrotta Releases His New Book of 124 Eye-catching Postage Stamps that Portrays Bits of History

Jul 21, 2013 936

Phila-ITALY AMERICANA is Perrotta's book that unravels the unique story of the indelible imprint that Italians, Italian-Americans, and lovers of Italian culture have stamped upon the formation and development of the United States.

In an interesting and useful book that reflects one's love of two countries and inspired by fond memories of where he was born and priceless life experiences of where he now lives, author Gerardo Perrotta inspires his readers as he pens Phila-ITALY AMERICANA, a wonderful book that tells the unique story of the indelible that imprint Italians, Italian-Americans, and lovers of Italian culture have stamped upon the formation and development of the United States of America.

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