Starting Your Family History Project

Oct 08, 2013 1044

Have you ever thought about organizing your family history so it is preserved and can be passed on to future generations? Or, creating a family tree to see all of your relatives and how you are all linked? This is genealogy. The search for, and documentation of, one's ancestors and family lineages. If you have been thinking about starting a genealogy project for a while, I hope that Italian Heritage Month will inspire you to get started. You'll find it's pretty easy to get going, a great way to bring your family closer, and exciting to discover more about yourself.

I had a conversation with Amy Kennelly who gave me some great tips on how to start a genealogy project and begin looking into your ancestry. She is an experienced family history researcher and has presented on a number of different topics related to it. Additionally, Amy is a longtime member of a number of groups such as the Western Reserve Historical Society Genealogy Committee and Geauga County Genealogy Society.

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