Exhibition in Madison, WI: Pellegrino Artusi and the culinary unification of Italy

Mar 07, 2019 1199

This exhibition explores the world-famous cookbook Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well (La scienza in cucina e l’arte di mangiar bene) published by Pellegrino Artusi in 1891. More than a cookbook, this book was a political project – the contribution Artusi wanted to give his country, laboriously unified a few years earlier.

“I am excited about this exhibition on Pellegrino Artusi and his world-famous cookbook, actually the most important cookbook in the history of modern Italy,” explained Grazia Menechella, Associate Professor of Italian at UW-Madison. “Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well (1891) at first could not find a publisher, but had 15 editions from 1891 to 1911, and “grew” from 475 recipes (in the first edition) to 790 recipes, thanks mostly to its readers who were sending their recipes to Artusi by mail.

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SOURCE: https://www.library.wisc.edu/

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