I AM Books: New Year, New Store, New Events!

Jan 01, 2022 693

As 2021 comes to a close, we wanted to let you know we have big plans for the upcoming new year! But first, we wanted to thank you for all the support and encouragement we have received over these past two weeks since opening our new space at 124 Salem Street! Being back in the North End is such a joy and privilege!

Opening the space at 124 Salem Street, however, is only the first of many steps that we will take to grow as a bookstore. Beginning in January, we will start expanding our title selection to include many more weekly new releases, and our "New release" newsletters will once again start coming out every week beginning Jan. 7. In addition, we will start building up our so-called "Lifestyle Section" in-store and online, featuring handmade artisanal products and select food items from various regions of Italy to go alongside our cookbooks and travel section. We want this section to become a feast for the eyes and for the palate!

In January we will also be launching two separate event series that will run through the entire year. Both series will be held online via Zoom for now, as the pandemic shows no sign of letting up.

The first series, titled "Our Voyage: Italian American Stories," will feature authors and guest speakers who will discuss significant themes and books dear to the Italian American experience. Our first event will take place Jan. 13, with author Patricia Dunn and Calandra Institute Dean Anthony Tamburri.

Our second series of events is titled "Libriamo!", and will focus on Italian literature available in translation, with authors and translators presenting their work. We are very excited to open this series on Jan. 25 with two-time Premio Strega winner Sandro Veronesi, who will be presenting his award-winning "The Hummingbird," due to be released in the U.S. on that day! For more details and to register for the events, please click here.

And with that, 2021 is a wrap! We hope to see you in our store or at one of our virtual events in the upcoming year.

Buon Anno a tutti! Happy New Year!

Store hours at 124 Salem Street
Monday: 10-6
Tuesday: 10-6
Wednesday: 10-8
Thursday: 10-8
Friday: 10-8
Saturday: 10-8
Sunday: 10-3


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