An Italian American Tells His True Story, ‘Surviving the Warzone’

Dec 21, 2013 1019

In the 1960s, East New York, Brooklyn made the Wild West look like Disney World. East New York was in such a lawless state. Street gangs dominated Brooklyn like the New Lots Boys, Fulton and Rockaway, the Crescents, Liberty Park Boys, Fountain and Pitkin, and Hemlock and Sutter. The black and Puerto Rican gangs took cool names, like the Chaplains, the largest black gang in Brooklyn.

There were also the Mau Maus, the Bishops, the El Quintos, the Roman lords, and the El Tones, the largest Puerto Rican gang in East New York.The New Lots Boys go back before the 1930s and were mostly Italian and Jewish, with a few Irish and Puerto Rican guys.

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