Italiani in USA: Wednesday, December 8, 6pm

Dec 07, 2021 768

Wednesday, December 8, 6:00pm. Istituto Italiano di Cultura - 686 Park Avenue - Manhattan, NY. You are cordially invited to an evening dedicated to Italians in the United States in honor of the publication of the volume Gli Italiani in USA: nuove prospettive di una diaspora secolare, published by the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute on commission of CGIE–General Council of Italians Abroad.

The book will be distributed in Rome to representatives of the government, of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, of the Italian Senate, of the Regions, and to others participating in the IV Plenary Session of the Permanent Conference State–Regions–Autonomous Provinces of the CGIE. This first volume will be followed by three others on Italians in Canada, in Australia, and in the Republic of South Africa.

Also on the program is the presentation of the poetry contest, ITALIANI PER IL FUTURO, which will be awarded June 2, 2022.

Opening remarks: Professor Fabio Finotti, director of Istituto Italiano di Cultura

Host and moderator: Prof. Anthony Julian Tamburri, dean of the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute

With guests Silvana Mangione, vice-secretary general of CGIE, and Damiano Palazzolo, president of Club Castel del Golfo

RSVP by writing to: COVID-19 protocol requires valid proof of vaccination and photo ID.

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