Presentation of "The other Italians" by David Mercaldo - November 6, 2014 at 7:30 pm

Nov 03, 2014 1308

"David Mercaldo has a daring new book: ...a herculean task... An important book we must read with a healthy curiosity." -MARIO FRATTI Playwright ("NINE") International Theater Critic

"Mercaldo's pen has gone where no other Italian author's pen has ever gone before!" -Italian American Magazine

"Among the most controversial books ever written about Italians, for Italians by an Italian!" Marco Ciavolino, Senior Literary Editor - Paper Clip Press

Place: Casa Belvedere, 79 Howard Ave, SI, NY 10301

Date: November 6, 2014 - Time: 7:30 pm (refreshments will be served)

Suggested Donation: $20 per person. Please RSVP 718-273-7660 Copies of the book will available for sale and autograph.


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