Grazia Italian Kitchen held a donation drive and raised $40,000 for the fallen Pearland Officer Endy Epankya's family last Saturday (June 19). Grazia Italian Kitchen owner Adrian Hembree, Executive Chef/Operator Steve Haug and Grazia Italian Kitchen management team and staff hosted the event from 6-11 a.m. in the parking lot of the restaurant...
Los Angeles Consul General Giuseppe Perrone has appointed Cavaliere Lino Pertusini of Santa Fe as New Mexico's second Honorary Consul, working with Rosalba Maniaci to represent the Italian Consulate in our state. The duties of the office of Honorary Consul range from the promotion of Italian language and culture to the promotion of trade b...
Santa Fe is jam-packed with entertaining activities all summer long. This year, a touch of Italy is being added to the menu, with this week's CineFesta Italia, a celebration of the film (and food) of Italy, as well as a monthlong cultural celebration. Santa Fean Lisa Contarino, executive director of the festival, explains that there's a connection...
Viaggio come avventura e come sfida. Come riscoperta di un rapporto autentico con la natura e con la gente. Come espressione concreta di solidarieta' e di amicizia. Sono questi gli ingredienti delle imprese off-limits di Beppe Faresin, il canoista vicentino balzato piu' volte agli onori della cronaca per avere raccolto con successo fondi per l'Unic...
By Norman Rozeff Brownsville would not be what it is today without the energetic efforts of one of its citizens in the early 20th century. His story of achievements is a remarkable one well worth recounting. Making it even more intriguing is the fact that he was an immigrant, unschooled in the United States. Louis Cobolini was an Italian born Dec...
Si svolgerà a San Antonio in Texas, presso la Chiesa di San Francesco di Paola, il 14 aprile prossimo, la cerimonia religiosa "Progetto memoria" che ha come simbolo la Madonna della Sfida. Come informa Vincenzo Arcobelli, l'evento è organizzato e patrocinato dal Comites di Houston in collaborazione con il Ctim e l'ANPPE Venezia, a ricordo...
In 2011 TJ Mabrey closed her carving studio (est. 1980) in Pietrasanto, Italy and moved to Taos where she opened Studio Santiago in May of this year. On October 4th and 5th she celebrates this new chapter of her artistic expression with an Open House Studio Visit from 11a to 4p each day. Mabrey's sculptures reflect her remarkable life that took her...
Genealogy Roadshow is only in his second year of production. But if interest in family backgrounds and the growth of the genealogy industry is of any indication, the PBS show is on the road to being a great success. The upcoming PBS segment focuses upon unique family histories from the New Orleans area. One of the three genealogists and ho...
By Lucian When one thinks of frontier justice or violent lynchings in the United States, it conjures the specter of lawlessness in the old West or the anti-black intolerance of the Deep South. This is inevitable, not only because of the magnitude of such atrocities, but because of the attention brought to them by modern American society, which lar...
By James Barragan After an earthquake devastated Italy on Aug. 24, killing nearly 300 people, questions started rolling in to the Facebook page for "Italy Meets Texas," a group set up by Italians and Italian-Americans in Central Texas to promote Italian culture. People wanted to know how they could help. The group's organizer...
Tradition and ritual play a strong role in Italian culture, especially during celebrations such as Easter, the Christian holiday celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. While food is certainly a main attraction at every Italian celebration, because Easter is the end of the traditional deprivations of the Lenten season, food plays an especiall...
More than 340,000 pounds of produce will be tossed from 50 floats when the St. Bernard Irish Italian Isleños parade hits the streets of Chalmette on Sunday. Founded in 2001, the 14th annual parade will begin and end at the Frederick J. Sigur Civic Center, 8245 W. Judge Perez Drive. From there, the parade will make a left at Dr. Meraux...