With the traditional vacation month about to begin, my thoughts turn to June trips, ones both from my childhood back to Boston, my father’s homeland, and also from the buddy road trips I’ve taken to see baseball in cities like Chicago, Baltimore and New York. On one such trip in 1988, I grabbed a former teaching colleague of mine, John Williams, an...

Our cookbook of the week is Food of the Italian South by Rome-based culinary writer Katie Parla. To try a recipe from the book, check out: Manell’(fried polenta fritters), orecchiette con burrata, pomodorini e pesto (orecchiette with burrata, tomatoes and almond pesto) and cozze ripiene (stuffed mussels). Stuck in a sheep traffic jam as wild horses...

The advice, “Save room for dessert,” holds very true at one venerable Italian restaurant. At Pasta e Pani, the antipasti is awesome. The linguine is luxurious. The pizza is perfect. But the desserts are divine. Known for an outstanding savory bill of fare, the sweet menu often gets overlooked. That’s a shame. Recently I stopped by just for dessert,...

Fra un paio di settimane, il 16 giugno, si terrà il Bloomsday, la festa dedicata a Leopold Bloom e al suo creatore, James Joyce. Chiamarla festa è riduttivo, perché l’occasione mette insieme ogni anno letture pubbliche, lezioni, spettacoli, convegni, mostre, appuntamenti conviviali, pranzi, cene e bevute: in onore dell’Ulisse, il capolavoro dello s...

Shot in Matera. A Film Retrospective Celebrating Matera. 2019 European Capital of Culture. Free Admission | RSVP Required. IIC SF: 601 Van Ness Ave, Suite F (Opera Plaza), San Francisco (CA); BAMPFA, 2155 Center Street, Berkeley (CA) Jun 23, Jul 5, Aug 8 | IIC SF - CHRIST STOPPED AT EBOLI - Dir. Francesco Rosi - Bay Area Premiere Full-Length Digita...

Premio Artusi 2019 è Lidia Bastianich. Italo-americana, ristoratrice di successo negli States, celebre volto televisivo oltreoceano, autrice di numerosi best seller, grande appassionata di cucina italiana. A scegliere il suo nome è stato il Comitato scientifico di Casa Artusi, con questa motivazione “quale cuoca, scrittrice e imprenditrice, per la...

Wednesday June 12 2019 at 6:30 PM EDT. Angelo's Nido Italia, 12020 Mayfield Rd, Cleveland 44106, OH. Tickets at Members and guests are welcome, cost is $35.00 per person. Call Ray Guarino at 216-403-8570 Join us for the IAB monthly dinner featuring special guest speaker Mark Sommer. “Mark Sommer has written a...

The New Haven Board of Alders is scheduled to hold hearings this week on whether the city should turn Columbus Day into “Indigenous Peoples’ Day.” Although the proposed resolution does not mention Columbus by name, it calls upon the city to “permanently recognize ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day” on the second Monday in October each year — the day currentl...

Invented in Florence in 1919, Negroni is considered to be one of the most famous Italian cocktails in the world. It was named after his inventor, Count Negroni, who asked to add a touch of gin rather than soda to his Americano, in honor of his last trip to London. This is said to have taken place at Cafe Casoni in Florence.   Here’s how you make it...

L’avvocato Roberta Gentili Purcell è il nuovo console onorario dello Stato americano dell’Arizona. Ad annunciarlo un tweet del console generale d’Italia a Los Angeles Silvia Chiave, che ha rivolto "un caldo benvenuto" alla collega. Nata e cresciuta in Italia, dove ha studiato perfezionandosi poi in Francia e negli Stati Uniti, Roberta Gentili Purce...

The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) is pleased to announce its 2019 Region of Honor: Molise. Each year, NIAF collaborates with a region in Italy by promoting its culture, business and tourism in the United States, while also traveling to the region to promote cultural exchange. The region will also be prominently honored at the NIAF 44t...

Fino’s is back. The beloved Midtown Italian deli will reopen its doors at 11 a.m. Thursday. Regular customers will be happy to hear that the new ownership group has not changed the core menu or the recipes. All the favorite sandwiches will be back. The Aquisto with ham, mortadella, salami, provel and green olive dressing. The Fino with salami, prov...